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Journal of Technical and Vocational Education

Journal Overview

The Journal of Technical and Vocational Education (JTVE) published by the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) Chennai India is a leading platform for scholarship in the field of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) practices.

JTVE promotes the dissemination of high-quality research and critical analysis on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) practices. We welcome submissions from both local and international researchers and practitioners who share a commitment to improving TVET pedagogy curriculum development and overall effectiveness.

The journal publishes a wide range of scholarly content including:

JTVE is committed to fostering a vibrant dialogue on the future of TVET. We encourage submissions that address the evolving needs of the workforce and contribute to the development of a skilled and adaptable workforce.

About this Journal

Bibliographic Information

Current Open Access Options: At present JTVE offers a traditional subscription-based access model. However, authors can choose to make their individual articles Open Access upon publication by covering an Article Processing Charge (APC). This fee will help defray the costs associated with peer review, editing, production, and journal management while still making the research available to a wider readership.

Benefits of Open Access for Authors:

Future of Open Access at JTVE: The JTVE editorial team is actively exploring alternative Open Access models that are financially sustainable and ensure the long-term viability of the journal. We are committed to continuously improving our Open Access options to better serve the needs of the TVET research community. Please note that JTVE's Open Access policy is subject to change. We will keep authors informed of any updates or developments.

Contact: Enquiries should be directed to the Editor via the email address:

Editorial Board

Editor: Dr. K.N. Shoba, Associate Professor, Department of Education, NITTTR Chennai

Associate Editors:

Peer Review Process

In the JTVE journal, committed to advancing TVET scholarship, a rigorous peer review process ensures the quality and relevance of published research. Anonymous reviewers, experts in technical and vocational education, evaluate submitted articles. They assess originality, research methods, data validity, and the contribution to the field of TVET. Based on their feedback, the editor decides to publish the article with revisions, request further review, or reject it. This process upholds JTVE's reputation for publishing impactful research that improves TVET practices.

Publication Ethics

Upholding ethical standards is paramount at the JTVE journal. Authors are expected to ensure originality, proper citation of sources, and avoid plagiarism. Transparency in research design and data analysis is crucial. Authorship should reflect substantial contributions. Conflicts of interest must be disclosed. The JTVE team is committed to ethical research practices, safeguarding the integrity of published work that informs advancements in TVET.

Abstracting and Indexing

The JTVE journal understands the importance of making your valuable research on Technical and Vocational Education (TVET) discoverable by a wide audience. To achieve this, we ensure our published articles are abstracted and indexed in reputable databases.

Benefits of JTVE Abstracting and Indexing:

JTVE's Commitment: The JTVE editorial team actively seeks to include the journal in prestigious abstracting and indexing databases relevant to TVET research. We will keep you informed of any developments in this regard.

JTVE articles are abstracted and indexed in reputable databases to maximize discoverability by a wide audience of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers interested in TVET.

We encourage you to submit your high-quality research on TVET to JTVE and contribute to shaping the future of vocational education.

Recommendations for Authors

To maximize the discoverability of your research in JTVE:

Article Processing Charges: NIL

JTVE Journal: Instructions for Authors

The Journal of Technical and Vocational Education (JTVE) welcomes submissions from both local and international researchers and practitioners engaged in advancing the field of TVET. We publish high-quality original research that contributes to a better understanding of TVET practices, curriculum development, and overall effectiveness.

Manuscript Submission:

Peer Review Process: JTVE employs a rigorous double-blind peer review process. Anonymous experts in TVET evaluate submitted articles based on:

Following the review process, the editor will decide to publish the article with revisions, request further review, or reject it. Authors will receive detailed feedback from reviewers to guide potential revisions.

Publication Ethics

JTVE is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical research and publication. Authors are expected to: