NITTTRC Kalanjiam initiative is designed to provide free, high-quality educational materials to learners, educators, and institutions worldwide.
Empowering Learners
promotes self-directed learning, empowering individuals to explore, innovate, and excel
Access to Knowledge
We aim to provide equal access to high-quality educational content, regardless of geographical or financial barriers.
Collaborative Learning
designed to be adaptable, allowing educators to customize content to meet the unique needs of their students
About NITTTR Chennai Kalanjiyam
At NITTTR Chennai, we believe in the power of knowledge sharing and accessibility. Our NITTTR Chennai Kalanjiam initiative is designed to provide free, high-quality educational materials to learners, educators, and institutions worldwide.
Access to Knowledge:
We aim to provide equal access to high-quality educational content, regardless of geographical or financial barriers.
Collaborative Learning:
Our resources are designed to be adaptable, allowing educators to customize content to meet the unique needs of their students
Empowering Educators and Learners:
NITTTR Kalanjiyam promotes self-directed learning, empowering individuals to explore, innovate, and excel.
NITTTR is dedicated to excellence in teaching, research, and development, fostering innovation and advancing education across various disciplines
Department of Civil Engineering
Building the foundations of the future with sustainable infrastructure and innovative design solutions.
Our Civil Engineering department focuses on the development of infrastructure such as bridges, roads, and buildings. We aim to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to address global challenges in urban development and environmental sustainability. Through research and practical application, we aim to contribute to shaping resilient and sustainable communities.
- Lean Construction and Sustainability
- Lean Six Sigma Approach
- Lean Construction Practices and Sustainability
- Key Role of Management in Sustaining Lean Principles
- Evolution of Lean in the Construction Industry
- Lean Construction Concepts and Management
- Lean Project Delivery System and Target Value Design
- Measuring the Impact of Lean Construction
- Target Value Design
- Circular Economy and the Construction Sector
- Sustainability in Construction
- Sustainability of Construction Materials
- Structural Design and Analysis
- Calculation of Lateral Forces due to Wind
- Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
- Earthquake Resistant Steel Structures
- Substitute Framework Method (Non-Structural Element)
- Ductile Detailing of RC Structural Members
- Limit State of Serviceability
- Design Philosophy
- Stress Block & Design Constants - Under Flexure
- Moment Distribution Method
- Approximate Analysis of Rigid Frames
- An Overview of Finite Element Method Used in Analysis Software
- Steel and Concrete Structures
- Salient Features of Steel Sections
- Evolving Trends in Concrete and Steel Structures Research
- Transportation Engineering
- Performance Evaluation of Hubballi - Dharwad BRTS
- Application of Drone in Road Infrastructure
- Traffic Survey Methods and Analysis
- Modified Econometric Model for Highway Traffic Forecast
- Traffic Analysis for Road Projects
- Disaster Management and GIS
- Disaster Management
- Map Creation & Editing using CAD Tools
- Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Disaster
- GIS - A Solution Provider for Municipal Waste Disposal
- How to Download a Digital Elevation Model (SRTM)
- Introduction to QGIS
- Working with Raster Data in QGIS
- Smart City and Urban Planning
- Smart City Mission
- Urban Transportation Systems
- Smart City Planning - An Overview
- E-Mobility Adoption in Indian Cities
- Environmental Aspects for Sustainable Development of Smart Cities
- Trip Generation and Trip Distribution
- Possibilities of Intelligent Transportation System in the Indian Context

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Innovating technology and shaping the digital future through advanced computational techniques.
The Computer Science & Engineering department fosters innovation in software development, artificial intelligence, and data science. We provide students with the skills necessary to excel in the fast-evolving tech industry. Our research aims to push the boundaries of technology and create solutions that benefit society and the world.
- Linux and Operating System Management
- Linux Service Management
- Linux Security Model - Overview
- Linux Shell Scripting
- An Introduction to Linux Operating System
- Linux Networking
- Linux System Management Essentials
- Introduction to Linux
- Computer Architecture and Systems
- Data Representation and Computer Arithmetic
- A Von Neumann Machine
- Fundamentals of Computer Architecture
- Memory Organization & Architecture
- Interfacing and Communication
- Computer Architecture Vs Computer Organisation
- Performances of Computer Systems
- Pipelining
- Parallel Processing
- Error Correcting Codes
- Web Technologies
- Web Technologies
- Web Technologies (PHP)
- TCP/IP Architecture
- Physical Layer, Link Layer Basics, Switching
- Data Link Control
- Network Layer
- Transport Layer
- Introduction to Network Security
- Cyber Security
- Cyber Security Best Practices
- Cyber Security
- Data Privacy & Security
- Web Hacking Incident Database
- Digital Forensics and Machine Learning
- Fundamentals of Digital Forensics
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Random Variable and Probability Distribution
- Processing and Crime Incident Scenes
- Data Acquisition and Recovery
- Computer Forensics Analysis and Validation
- Datasets Operations
- Machine Learning Techniques
- Machine Learning - Naive Bayes Classifier
- Clustering
- Data Visualization
Department of Curriculum Development
Crafting effective learning frameworks to enhance education for future generations.
Our Curriculum Development department focuses on creating comprehensive, engaging, and up-to-date educational content. We work to improve teaching strategies and develop learning materials that cater to diverse learning needs. By blending theory with practical insights, we aim to shape a future where education is more accessible and impactful.

Department of Education
Transforming education through innovative methodologies and teaching strategies.
The Education department is dedicated to improving teaching and learning processes through research and practice. We explore new educational theories, tools, and techniques to ensure a rich and evolving academic experience. Our goal is to train educators who are capable of fostering critical thinking and intellectual growth in their students.
- Resilient Pedagogy & Adaptive Learning
- Resilient Pedagogy
- Adaptive Learning
- Learner Analytics
- Gamification in Education
- Gamification Practices in Language Pedagogy
- Games for Teaching Vocabulary
- Gamifying LSRW Lessons
- Gamified Lessons
- Research & Presentation Skills
- Reading Skills for Research
- Essential Grammar for Research
- Research-Specific Vocabulary
- Preparing and Delivering Research Presentation
- Qualities of a Resilient Researcher
- Teaching Methodologies
- Overview of OBE
- Teaching Skill
- Design of Achievement Test
- Teaching Learning Process
- Blended Learning and Lab Evaluation
- Personal Development & Wellbeing
- Wheel of Life
- HRD Skill Sets
- Team Work
- Counselling for Student Development
- Role of Parents in Student Counselling
- Role of Teacher as a Counsellor
- Psychological Tests Used in Counselling
- Creativity Development
- Adolescent Challenges
- Teaching and Mentoring
- Reflective Teaching
- Student Counselling and Mentoring
- Work-Life Balance & Stress Management
- Work Life Balance
- Time Management
- Prioritisation of Time
- Smart Goals in Life
- Managing Stress at Work
- Emotional and Mental Wellbeing
- Emotions
- Factors Related to Work Commitment
- Managing Emotions at Work
- What Helps Us Stay Balanced
- Managing Anger and Depression
- Creativity & Problem Solving
- Creative Thinking Skills
- Identification of Problem Areas
- Communication & Leadership Skills
- Communication Skills - Industrial Demands
- Leadership Skills
- Interview Skills
- Classroom Management & Teaching Effectiveness
- Classroom Management
- Counselling for Student Development
- Effective Teaching
- Exercise on Knowledge and Skills
- Education System & Teaching Evaluation
- Our Education System
- Teaching Skills and Evaluation
- Transforming Teaching Learning Process
- Research & Statistical Analysis
- Empowering Research & Statistical Analysis
- Variables Used in Research
- Leadership Development
- Behavioural Characteristics of Leaders
- Think-Pair-Share
- Time Management
- Motivation for Academic Leaders
- Leadership
- Measurement of Academic Leadership
- Types of Leaders
- HR Activities and Approaches

Department of Educational Media & Technology
Integrating technology into education to create interactive and engaging learning environments.
This department bridges the gap between education and technology, utilizing digital tools to enhance teaching and learning experiences. We focus on creating educational media, interactive resources, and e-learning solutions that cater to modern educational needs. Our research aims to drive innovations that revolutionize how education is delivered worldwide.
- 21st Century Learning and Online Pedagogy
- 21st Century Learning Skills & Online Pedagogy
- Learning Management System: Tools and Key Research
- Instructional Design for Online Learning
- Video Production & Scripting
- OER and Creative Commons
- Mentimeter - Interactive Presentation Software
- Screen Casting Technique
- Introduction to Learning Technologies & E-Learning Authoring Tools
- Video Assisted Learning
- Asynchronous Learning Environment
- Learning Analytics
- Emerging Technologies in Education
- Blockchain Technology
- Role of ICT for Student Development
- Latest Trends of ICT in Education
- Enhancement to Transformation through Technology Enabled Learning
- E-Learning and Collaboration
- E-Learning Authoring Tools & Creating Video Lessons
- Asynchronous Learning Environment
- Learning Analytics
- Online Collaborative Work
- Role of ICT for Effective Teaching
- Role of ICT in Academic Leadership
- Digital Pedagogy and Interactive Learning
- Digital Learning and Resources
- Gamification Quiz
- Gamification in Education
- Innovative Use of Educational Media
- Interactive Video Lessons
- Active Learning Strategies
- Digital Pedagogy and Online Tools
- Learning Management Systems (LMS)
- OER and MOOCs
- LMS Edpuzzle
- Creating Interactive Video Lessons
- Immersive Media Technologies
- Immersive Media Technologies - AR & VR Interface in Unreal Engine Editor
- Augmented Reality
- Virtual Reality

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Powering the world with innovative electrical solutions and cutting-edge technologies.
The Electrical and Electronics Engineering department focuses on the development of systems that generate, transmit, and use electrical energy. We provide students with expertise in circuit design, power systems, and electronics, enabling them to innovate and contribute to industries such as energy, automation, and telecommunications.
- SIMULINK & Power Systems
- DC-DC Converters
- AC-DC Converters
- Applications in Power Engineering
- Inverters
- AI & Control Systems
- AI Controls Power Plants
- Design of NN Controllers
- Integration of AI and Internet of Things in Power Plants
- Introduction to AI
- Machine Learning and Modeling Algorithms
- Arduino & IoT
- Introduction to Arduino and Sketch Programming
- Arduino using Tinkercad
- Arduino & Sketch Programming for IoT
- Power Plant & Automation
- Power Plant Engineering
- Recent Trends in IoT-based Systems
- Sensor Interfacing using Raspberry Pi
- Programmable Logic Controllers
- Industrial Automation using PLC, Pneumatics & Robotics
- Timers and Counters of PLC
- Data Manipulation and Math Instructions
- Control Systems & Simulation
- Control System Concepts
- PID Controllers
- Control Systems with Labview Simulations
- Proportional Control
- Time Response Analysis
- State Space Analysis
- Stability Analysis of Control Systems
- IoT & Sensors
- Sensor Interfacing using Tinkercad & IoT Application
- Virtual IoT Lab
- Buzzer, Tilt, Gas, and Ultrasonic Sensor
- Sensor Interfacing Using Raspberry Pi
- MATLAB & Simulation
- MATLAB Introduction
- Simulation of Power Electronics Circuits

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Connecting the world through advanced communication technologies and electronic systems.
Our department specializes in the study and development of communication systems, including wireless networks, satellite communication, and digital electronics. We prepare students to excel in the rapidly evolving fields of electronics, telecommunication, and signal processing. Our research fosters innovation to enhance connectivity across the globe.
- Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers
- Embedded Systems using 8051 Microcontroller
- 8051 Microcontroller Registers
- Programming & Tools
- Introduction to Matlab
- MATLAB Programming
- Python Programming for IoT
- LabView & IoT
- LabView Structures
- Basics LabView Programming - Boolean Functions
- Machine Learning Applications
- IoT Applications
- PIR Motion Sensor Interfacing with Pi
- Industrial Internet of Things
- Industrial Internet of Things
- Technology for Telemedicine & IoT
- Biomedical Training Systems & IoT for Medical Applications
- IoT Applications in Medical Field
- Communication & Modulation Techniques
- Wired and Wireless Communication Technology
- Signaling & Digital Modulation Techniques
- Internet Technology and IoT
- Trends in Wireless Applications
- Multiple Access Techniques, Spread Spectrum, and WLAN
- Industry 4.0 & Automation
- Industry 4.0 and Automation
- The Brain in an IoT Device
- IoT Design & Prototyping
- Sketch Programming
- Basic Circuit Connections in Tinkercad
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering Overview
- Bio-potential Recorders & Patient Monitoring Systems
- Network Security & Data Transmission
- Network Security
- Data Transmission and Multiplexing

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Designing solutions for a sustainable future through mechanical innovation and engineering excellence.
The Mechanical Engineering department focuses on the design, development, and optimization of mechanical systems and processes. We provide students with practical knowledge in areas such as thermodynamics, materials science, and robotics. Our work aims to solve complex engineering problems and contribute to industries such as automotive, manufacturing, and aerospace.
- Nanotechnology
- Nanotechnology - Concepts and Applications
- Cryogenic treatment of Nanoparticles
- Nanostructured Materials
- Nanotechnology for Industry 4.0
- Nanotechnology for Automotive & Thermal Storage Applications
- Refrigeration and HVAC
- Refrigeration
- HVAC - An Overview
- Use of Waste Heat from Air Conditioners for The Production of Fresh Water
- Manufacturing Technologies
- Cryogenic Machining - Concepts & Applications
- Additive Manufacturing
- NDT on Welding
- Cryogenics
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
- Cryogenic machining concepts and applications
- Low Cost Powder Based Additive Manufacturing
- Rapid Prototyping
- Technology and Industry 4.0
- Technology for Telemedicine & IoT
- IoT in Manufacturing
- Industry 4.0 - Concepts & Applications
- Internet of NanoThings
- Sustainable Manufacturing
- Welding and Additive Manufacturing
- Plasma Welding, Electron Beam Welding and Laser Welding
- Nano Finishing Techniques
- Robotic Welding
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
- Introduction and Applications of UAV
- UAVs for Multifaceted Environments
- Robotics for Industry 4.0
- UAV Payloads and Future Applications
- Robotic Modeling and Simulation
- Design of VTOL UAV
- Insights on Development of UAVs for Industrial Applications
- Introduction to Flapping Wing Vehicles
- Aerial Robots and its Applications
- Optimal Path Planning Strategies and 3D Mapping for SWARM of UAVs
- Computer Forensics and Investigation
- Computer Forensics and Investigation

Department of Rural & Entrepreneurship Development
Fostering sustainable growth and entrepreneurship to empower rural communities.
The Rural & Entrepreneurship Development department is dedicated to addressing the unique challenges of rural areas. We provide education and resources for sustainable agricultural practices, rural business development, and entrepreneurship. Our mission is to empower individuals and communities, enabling them to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
- Data Driven Marketing
- Customer & HR Management
- Understand Customer Needs
- HR Roles in the Midst of Industry Disruption
- HR Challenges in the Era of Digital Transformation
- HR in the Automotive Industry
- Recent Trends in People Management
- NextGen HR Practices
- HR Outlook for Industry 5.0
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship as a Career
- Nanotechnological Interventions in Entrepreneurship - An Overview
- Entrepreneurial Innovations in Nanotechnology
- Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials
- Market Survey for the Need of New Product
- Indian Government Initiatives for Promoting Nanotechnology
- IP in Nanotechnology
- Regulatory Compliance of Nanomaterials
- Lean Principles & Sustainable Development
- Key Role of Management in Sustaining Lean Principles
- Soft Skills Training for Employability
- Rural Entrepreneurship and Socio Economics
- Introduction to Ecological Entrepreneurship
- Marketing of Eco-Friendly Derived Products
- Sustainable Development Goals

Frequently Asked Questions
Your Questions, Answered: Exploring the World of Educational Resources.
What is NITTTR Chennai Kalanjiyam?
NITTTR Chennai Kalanjiyam is a digital platform for storing, preserving, and providing access to [specific types of content, e.g., scholarly articles, historical documents, multimedia resources]. It serves as a resource for [audience types, e.g., researchers, educators, students, and the public].
How do I access the repository?
You can access the repository through our website at [website link]. Some content may require you to create a free account or log in for full access.
How do I search for resources?
Use the search bar on our homepage to find content by keyword, title, author, or subject. You can also filter results by date, content type, or collection.
Can I download materials from the repository?
Yes, many materials are available for download. However, some items may have restrictions based on copyright or licensing agreements.
How is the content curated?
Our team of experts evaluates and organizes content to ensure quality, relevance, and compliance with our repository's goals.
Are there guidelines for using repository content?
Yes, users must comply with copyright laws and licensing agreements associated with each item. For detailed information, visit our [Terms of Use link].
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