Page 21 - A comprehensive policy
P. 21

(c) Stage 3– During Associate Professorship – having an experience of 10–15 years

                    •   Refresher Modules for knowledge updating, newer developments and thrust areas
                      in the concerned fields.

                    •   Training  in  curriculum  development,  resource  material  development  and  best
                      practices in teaching and research through MOOCs.

                    (d) Stage 4– During Professorship/HOD–around 20–30 years

                    •   Refresher Modules for knowledge updating, newer developments and thrust areas
                      in the concerned fields.

                    •   Training courses in Institutional Management and promotion of Entrepreneurship

                    •   Training  in  leadership;  preparing  vision,  mission  and  strategy  by  involving  all

                    •   Training on collaborative research with industry, institutions, government agencies
                      and NGOs.

                    •  Planning for departmental growth, motivation and efficiency.

                    •   Removal of obsolescence and planning for continuous growth of the departments
                      and the institution.

                    •  Effective interaction with monitoring and collaborating agencies.

                    •   Facilitating  a  value-based  ethical  environment  in  the  institutional  handling
                      disciplinary issues.

                    •  Liaison with governmental monitoring/ regulatory bodies.


               The  training  program  will  be  coordinated  and  supervised  by  the  respective  National
               Technical Teacher Training Institute/Identified Training Centres to which the institution of
               the inductee teacher is associated. NITTTRs will prepare MOOCs within the frame work of
               broad guidelines given in FIP. As far as possible, these programs will be based on applied
               aspects which are useful for technical teachers.
               The parent institution of the inductee teacher will be required to share responsibility and
               accordingly well experienced senior faculty member will be identified as a mentor by the

               The  mentor  would  be  coordinating  the  complete  training  activities  of  the  inductee
               teacher in both the terms. Besides, he/she will coordinate the subject and laboratory class
               to be handled by the inductee teacher and also help in assessing the work done by the
               inductee teacher in the classroom, laboratory, training in industry/research laboratory/field
               organisation and project preparation etc. The mentor will keep a complete record of the
               progress of the inductee teacher.

               The  instructional  inputs  as  designed  and  indicated  will  be  delivered  by  the
               coordinating Technical Teacher Training Institutes. Keeping in view the magnitude

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