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       Unit 1: Orientation towards Technical Education
       Structure   of   Technical   Education  System - Formal,  Informal  and  Non  formal
       Education- Types of Technical  Institutes - ITIs, Polytechnics,  Engineering  colleges,
       Universities, INI - National Agencies - MHRD, AICTE, UGC, NITTTR, DTE -  Quality  in
       Higher Education - Models and  Criteria - NBA, NAAC - Excellence  in Technical  Education.

       Unit 2: Three Domains of Learning
       Domains of Learning -  Cognitive,  Affective   and  Psychomotor  -  Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy -
       Cognitive Processes dimension and Knowledge Dimension.

       Unit 3: Instructional Objectives and Learning Outcomes
       Goals   and  Objectives  -  Mager’s   Behavioral   Objectives   and   Gronlund’s   General and Specific
       Cognitive Objectives- Writing well defined  Instructional  Objectives - Mapping the  Objectives  in  Two
       dimensional Matrix of Knowledge  Dimension  and  Cognitive Process- Writing Learning outcomes for
       all domains of learning.

       Unit 4: Learning and Instruction
       Basics of Psychology of Learning and Instruction - Pedagogy, Andragogy,Teaching,Training,Learning;
       Teaching Learning Process-Basic Teaching Model,Factors Influencing Learning,Transfer of  Learning,
       Laws of Learning, Principles of Teaching and Learning.
       Unit 5: Learner Characteristics and Motivation
       Student Characteristics - Student Motivation - Four pillars of learning proposed by UNESCO- learning
       to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together.

       Unit 6: Alternative modes of Learning
       Role of Teacher in 21st Century, Millennial Learners - Learning  Principles, Introduction  to Multimedia
       Learning, e-learning, Blended Learning and Flipped Learning, Active Learning strategies.

       Unit 7: Aspects of Curriculum
       Concept of  Curriculum-  Attributes  of  Curriculum -Types  of Curriculum - Interpreting  the Curriculum
       -Teacher’s Curriculum - Curriculum and Instruction - Co-curricular and Extra curricular

       Unit 8: Curriculum Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
       Steps involved in the Process of  Curriculum Development-  Curriculum  Implementation -  Monitoring
       and Evaluation - Need for co-relating knowledge to professional practice, research & development

            National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research
                                    Taramani, Chennai-600113

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