Page 10 - BOOK 1
P. 10
Module information Brochure
Course Coordinator : Prof. Shashi Kant Gupta, NITTTR Bhopal
Contributors : Prof. P.W. Dandekar, Prof. C. Thangaraj, Prof. J. Earnest, Prof .
A. Deshpande, Prof. N. Dubey, Prof. G. Janardhanan, Prof A.
Khajanchee, Prof. C. Mehra, Prof. G.T. Lala, Mrs. V. Deshpande
Content Duration : 40 hours
2.1. Rationale
Professionals are required to practice value-based ethical behaviour in their professional
and personal lives to achieve perpetual prosperity and happiness for maximum possible
number of people. However, appropriate professional behaviour is possible only when
professionals have a clear understanding of self and appreciation of importance of working
with harmony at various level of existence. Professional are also supposed to take care
of social issues and environmental protection while working for economic development
and well being of their clients. This module therefore, attempts to develop understanding
that for achieving perpetual prosperity and happiness in life, it is important to accept
the concept of co-existence and need of harmony at different levels of existence such as
self, family, society and nature. This understanding is more required for professionals as
compared to other occupations and therefore this module strives to explain that what
makes professions different from other occupations.
In this context it is important that appreciation for values, professional ethics and
sustainability should become necessary component of any professional education. For this
to happen, it is essential that teachers in professional education system themselves first
understand the importance of universally accepted values and the need of self exploration
as the process for value education and for appreciation of ethics. It is also important for
teachers to show value-based and ethical professional behaviour so that they may become
role models for the students and hence expected behaviour from a teacher as professional
is also discussed in this module.
Environment Conservation is also one of the essential condition for perpetual prosperity
and happiness of not only future generations but even of this generation. Therefore,
the foremost professional responsibility of teachers is that they should develop desired
knowledge, skills and attitudes for environment protection in the UG students who
would be professionals on graduation. It is in this regard that the concept of sustainable
development with reference to importance of development for poverty alleviation and its
side effects on environment is explained in this module. Special approaches to be adopted
for sustainable development to ensure environment protection and energy conservation
are also emphasized.
Since the professionals are at the top of their professions, they are expected to self-regulate
themselves, for which the role of professional societies is also highlighted in this module.