Page 13 - BOOK 1
P. 13
Key Topics: Development and poverty alleviation – Human Impact on Ecology: Effect on
Panch Tatavas – Sustainable Development: Concept, Basic Parameters and Environmental
2.4.5. Approaches for Sustainable Development
Scientists and Engineers are developing energy and environment friendly materials and
processes for manufacturing different goods and providing variety of services. These
methods, machines and materials being developed are discipline specific, which teachers
might have learnt in their UG and PG programmes. In addition to these, some special
approaches for design, manufacturing and use of goods are required for sustainable
development; these approaches are discussed in this unit. Cradle to cradle approach for
designing goods is most pertinent approach in this regard. In addition to this concept of 5Rs
i.e. Refuse, Reduce, Repair, Recycle/Recover, Reuse is very effective concept which needs
to be implemented in everyone’s personal and professional lives and hence it is elaborated
in this unit. Last, but not least, last lesson of this unit explains the need of establishing a
special kind of institutional culture required for development of professional values and
ethics and concern for sustainability in the UG students.
Key Topics: Sustainability: Cradle to Cradle approach - 5Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Repair, Recycle/
Recover, Reuse – Institutional culture for values and sustainable development.
2.5. Reference
1. Gaur R.R, Sangal R and Bagaria G.P., A Foundation Course in Human Values and
Professional Ethics: presenting universal approach to value education - through self
exploration. Bangalore: Excel Books, 2016.
2. Govindarajan, M., Natarajan, S. and Senthilkumar, V.S., Engineering Ethics includes
Human Values. Delhi: PHI Learning Private Limited, 2016
3. Martin, M.W. and Schinzinger, R., Ethics in Engineering, Chennai: McGraw Hill
Education (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2017
4. Heasly, B. T., Towards an Architecture for the teaching of virtues, values and ethics,
Peter Lang AG , 2015
5. Freakly, M., Burgh, G. and MacSporran, L.T. Value Education in Schools: A Resource
Book for Students Enquiry, ACER Press, 2008
6. Brooks, A., Environmental Protection and Sustainability, Syrawood Publishing
House, 2018
7. Zielinski, T., Sagan, I. and Surose, W. Interdisciplinary Approaches for Developmental
Goals, Springer, 2017
8. Lancaster, C., Environmental Protection; Techniques for Sustainability, Syrawood
Publishing House, 2018
9. Nanda, V.P., Climate Change and Environmental Ethics, Transaction Publishers, 2012