In the year 1966, Library was established in the institute and after a decade it is renamed as Resource Centre with enhanced facilities. The Resource Centre building is spread over in 1187 sq. mt. space and it is completely furnished to cater the reading and lending facilities. The entireindependent building is Wi-Fi enabled and designed for laptop use. Reference and reading halls are completely air conditioned. Resource Centre approximately 30,700 books and 4000 back volumes. A comprehensive range of videos, DVDs, CD-ROMS and electronic resources, including- e journals, is also available for our users. Exclusive reading lounge in the ground floor for reading newspaper, magazine and also for private reading. |
The Resource Centre provides a wide variety of services physically as well as through online. The resource centrehas been automated its services using open source software – KOHA and the users have seamless access to all the databases from any desktop that is connected to the campus LAN. RFID has been implemented at the Resource Centre for circulation and theft detection purpose. |
The Resource Centre collections are computerized and it can be accessed through Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) |
In the ResourceCentre 26 systems are available with high speed internet connection. It provides on line access to e journals and NPTEL digital resources to our library users. In addition, lab oriented courses are also conducted in this Centrefor national and international library professionals. |
Connecting people and resources through technology |
To acquire, organize and provide access to various kinds of information sources including books, journals, theses, etc. both in print and electronic forms |
To provide IT based information services and be partner in the pursuit of academic excellence by teacher trainees of India and Overseas, researchers and faculty. |
To Collaborate with other institutions at local, regional, national and international levels for mutually beneficial resource sharing. |
To promote excellence to library staff and other faculty in technical institutions of India and Overseas. |
Services are provided to the members only. Non-members will be allowed with permission |
Books must be returned on before the due date and books will be renewed if there are no reservations. |
Loss of Books, if any, shall be reported immediately to the resource centre on the prescribed form. |
If the borrower is unable to replace the lost books, the cost is recovered, price of the book plus procurement charges 10 % |
Members are requested not to bring their belongings inside the resource centre. |
Use of edibles in the Resource Centre is strictly prohibited. |
Reference materials should not be taken outside from the Resource Centre. |
Patrons are responsible for complying with the limitation of copyright act while photocopying a resource centre book. | |
Strict silence must be observed in the Resource Centre. | |
Readers should not write in, mark or otherwise disfigure/damage books, furniture etc. |
BooksEligibility | Loan Period | |
Faculty & Group ‘A’ Staff | 10 | 1 Month |
Non-teaching Staff | 5 | 1 Month |
Group ‘D’ Staff | 2 | 1 Month |
Long Term Trainees | 5 | 15 days |
Research Scholars | 5 | 15 days |
Short Term Trainees | 2 | 5 Days |
If the borrowed books / journals are not returned within due date, the Resource Centre will collect overdue charges.
Monday to Friday | 09:00 Hrs - 17:30 Hrs |
Circulation Counter (Mon-Fri) | 09:30 Hrs - 17:00 Hrs |
1 | PONGAL | 14.01.2022 | FRIDAY |
2 | REPUBLIC DAY | 26.01.2022 | WEDNESDAY |
3 | MAHAVIR JAYANTHI | 14.04.2022 | THURSDAY |
4 | GOOD FRIDAY | 15.04.2022 | FRIDAY |
5 | IDU'L FITR (RAMZAN)* | 03.05.2022 | TUESDAY |
6 | BUDDHA PURNIMA | 16.05.2022 | FRIDAY |
7 | ID-UL-ZUHA (BAKRID)* | 10.07.2022 | SUNDAY |
8 | MUHARRAM | 09.08.2022 | TUESDAY |
9 | INDEPENDENCE DAY | 15.08.2022 | MONDAY |
15 | DIWALI (DEEPAVALI) | 24.10.2022 | MONDAY |
16 | GURU NANAK’S BIRTHDAY | 08.11.2022 | TUESDAY |
17 | CHIRISTMAS DAY | 25.12.2022 | SUNDAY |
The Resource Centre holds a good number of learning and teaching materials books, periodicals, reports etc. as detailed below. |
Books - 30700 |
Magazine - 4 Titles |
Journals - 6 Titles |
News papers |
English - 1 |
Tamil - 1 |
Hindi - 1 |
Springer (Engineering Collection only - 53 Titles) |
lEmerald Publishing (Business, Management and Education Collections Only – 700 titles for easy reference the list is attached) |
E-Resources subscription through e-Shodh Sindhu Consortia |
1.ASCE Library |
2.Springer |
1.DELNET Engineering/Technology Collection |
2.IESTC E-Journals Package (Gale- A Cengage Company) – All Tittles |
In addition to the above, the remote access service is available for Open Access Journals and Books in all subject areas, as per details given below |
Open Access E-Books – 95869 |
Open Access E-Journals – 41634 Titles |
To avail this facility, users must first register at . After registering, please contact the resource centre to activate your account. |
The remote access facility for the above-mentioned digital resources is also available on your mobile device. Hence, all registered users are requested to avail this facility by downloading the mobile app -mLibrary–Your Mobile eLibrary from the Google Play store. (The mobile app link is |
Library Automation |
Application of IT in Libraries |
Open Source Software |
Digital Library, Library |
Management |
Collection Development |
Open Educational Resources |
Copyright and Patent |
The Resource Centre, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), is organizing an Advanced Certificate Course on “Modern Library Practices” from the year 2007 onwards. The course is designed for teacher’s / curriculum developers in Library and Information Science and practicing library professionals of overseas. The course is sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India under ITEC scheme.The programme aims to migration of present conventional library system to Modern Digital Library, Preservation of historical content, Library Management & Maintenance and Information Security. So far, twelve batches completed |
Advanced Certificate Course on Modern Library Practices - Statistics
1 | I | 9 | 3 | 10 | 13 | 15-10-2007 to 07-12-2007 |
2 | II | 17 | 7 | 20 | 27 | 20-10-2008 to 12-12-2008 |
3 | III | 15 | 9 | 14 | 23 | 14-10-2009 to 08-12-2009 |
4 | IV | 16 | 11 | 11 | 22 | 13-10-2011 to 07-12-2011 |
5 | V | 16 | 9 | 17 | 26 | 05-12-2012 to 29-01-2013 |
6 | VI | 14 | 11 | 12 | 23 | 04-12-2013 to 28-01.2014 |
7 | VII | 12 | 13 | 10 | 23 | 30-07-2014 to 23-09.2014 |
8 | VIII | 13 | 9 | 13 | 22 | 20-09-2015 to 17-11.2015 |
9 | IX | 17 | 10 | 12 | 22 | 28-09-2016 to 23-09.2016 |
10 | X | 16 | 12 | 13 | 25 | 29.11.2017 to 23.01.2018 |
11 | XI | 11 | 11 | 12 | 23 | 20.06.2018 to 14.08.2018 |
12 | XII | 7 | 7 | 13 | 20 | 19.08.2019 to 30.08.2019 |
Total | 48 Countries | 110 Male | 159 Female | Total 269 Participants |
Under Construction |
IRINS is web-based Research Information Management (RIM) service developed by the Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre in collaboration with the Central University of Punjab. It is Ministry of Education, Government of India Project under National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) The portal facilitates the academic, R&D organizations and faculty members, scientists to collect, curate and showcase the scholarly communication activities and provide an opportunity to create the scholarly network. The IRINS would support to integrate the existing research management system such as HR system, course management, grant management system, institutional repository, open and commercial citation databases, scholarly publishers, etc. It has integrated with academic identity such as ORCID ID, Scopus ID, Research ID, Microsoft Academic ID, Google Scholar ID for ingesting the scholarly publication from various sources. Our institute is part of IRINS, all our faculty members’details are updated in NITTTR, Chennai - IRINS Instance |
Based on the recommendation of Sub-Committee, National Steering Committee (NSC) of e-ShodhSindhu, The Ministry of Education, Govt. of India has initiated a programme "ShodhShuddhi" which provides access to Plagiarism Detection Software (PDS) to all universities/Institutions in India since Sept 1, 2019. Under this initiative, URKUND a Web Based Plagiarism Detection Software system is being provided to all users of universities/Intuitions in the country. This initiative is formally launched by Honorable Minister of HRD (now renamed as Minister of Education) on September 21, 2019. NITTTR, Chennai, is one of the beneficiary Institute under this scheme. |
Based on the recommendation of an Expert Committee, the Ministry of HRD (now renamed as Ministry of Education) has formed e-ShodhSindhu merging three consortia initiatives, namely UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, NLIST and INDEST-AICTE Consortium.The e-ShodhSindhu will continue to provide current as well as archival access to more than 10,000 core and peer-reviewed journals and a number of bibliographic, citation and factual databases in different disciplines from a large number of publishers and aggregators to its member institutions including centrally-funded technical institutions. |
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