Page 36 - BOOK 1
P. 36
Module information Brochure
8.4.10. Directing Through Institutional Communication
Communication which is the lifeline of any institution has been elaborately explained
in this unit. Different types of communication, Models and process of communication
form the important input in this unit. Participants shall also be exposed to the barriers
in communication and how communication skills. can make an important contribution in
enhancing the quality, efficiency and effectiveness.
8.4.11. Directing through Motivation for Higher Performance
The aim of this unit is to make the participants understand the concept of motivation,
process, theories of motivation and its role in higher performance of the employees.
Techniques of motivating self and others form the highlights of this unit. Another subsection
of this unit deals with the concept and significance of mentoring, coaching & counselling in
an academic institution.
8.4.12. Directing through Planned Change & Innovation for
Institutional Growth and Development
In today’s changing ecosystem, in-order to embrace the persistence and growth,
management of change for any educational institution is very vital. For doing this application
of creative mind and innovative approaches have to be followed. This unit deals with these
two important aspects.
8.4.13. Management of Goals, Time and Attitudes
The main emphasis of this unit is on three important aspects i.e. management of goals,
Time and Attitude. Participants shall be exposed to the characteristics and tips of managing
SMART goals; concept of time, causes of time wastage and tips of managing time in this
important unit. How to manage attitude and making it positive towards the goals of the
institute forms the important point of emphasis in this unit.
8.4.14. Institutional Management Process: Monitoring and
Controlling for Higher Performance
The principle of monitoring and control is the basic point of emphasis of this unit. It is
important that the managers know how they are performing on different institutional
parameters. This section highlights the means of monitoring the performance in different
processes, finding gaps and taking corrective actions for continues improvement. Designing
effective control systems for above purposes is an area of discussion.
8.4.15. Controlling: Performance Appraisal and Management
This section highlights the importance of Performance appraisal and management for
continuous improvement. What and how of performance appraisal, appraisal methods
are the fundamentals issues of this section. This unit also presents the role of feedback
in enhancing the performance. Legal and disciplinary procedures in case of inappropriate
performance also form a major constituent of this unit.