Page 31 - BOOK 1
P. 31
3. Selecting and Defining a Research Problem: Sources of Problems, Criteria for
selecting a Research Problem, Evaluating the Problem, Steps in Defining Research
Problem and writing Research Question, Do’s & Don’ts of Writing/ Defining a
Research Problem and Stating Null and Research Hypotheses
4. Selecting Research Design and Describing Procedure: Descriptive Research:
Survey Research - Types of Descriptive Research – Survey Research – Types of Survey
Research and Steps in the Process of Planning and Conducting Survey; Case Study
Research - Case Study Research – Concept, Designing Case Studies – State Research
Questions or Objectives of a Case Study, Sate the Propositions and Describe case
study approach – Select Unit of Analysis, Select Sources of Evidence, Select/develop
tools for data collection, Describe data collection procedure and Preparing for Data
Collection – Collect data and Analyze Data and Interpret Results ; Content Analysis
Research - Content Analysis: Concept; Steps in conducting Content Analysis – State
the Purpose of Content Analysis, Write Research Questions, Sample the Content,
Develop Classification System for Analysis, Ensure High Degree of Inter-rater
Reliability and Analyze Data and Interpret the Findings Correlational Research:
Introduction an concept, Purpose, Advantages, Correlation and its types, correlation
coefficient, Different types of correlation studies Ex-Post Facto Research: Concept,
Characteristics, Advantages & Limitations and Process of Conduct of Ex-Post-Facto
Experimental Research: Concept, Purposes and Characteristics, Experimental
Research Designs (True, Quasi & Pseudo) and Factorial Designs, Step-by-step
Procedure, Experimental Control, Internal & External Validity (Threats).
5. Action Research: Need and Concept, Process of Conduct of Action Research
6. Sampling: Introduction to sampling, various terms used, Advantages and
disadvantages of sampling, Characteristics of a good sample, Determination of
sample size, Different sampling designs, Advantages and disadvantages of different
sampling designs, selections of different sampling design.
7. Measuring Instruments: Introduction, Characteristics of a good Measuring
Instruments, Designing a Questionnaire, Interview schedule- Concept types and
designing interviewer schedule: Observation Schedule- Concept types and Designing
Observation Schedule: Standardized test – concept and characteristics
8. Collection of Data: Introduction, Guidelines for Collection of Data
9. Analysis of Data: Introduction, Scales of Measurement – Nominal scale, Ordinal
scale, Interval scale, Ratio scale: Methods of data tabulation and Analysis – Ranking,
Grouping/Frequency distribution, graphic representation, and descriptive statistics-
Measures of central tendency, Measures of Variability, Normal Probability curve,
skewness and Kurtosis: Measures of Relationships, Inferential statistics- basic
terminology, inferential statistical techniques and Selection of statistical techniques
10. Formulating a Research Proposal: Formulating a Research Proposal - Concept,
Significance and Types, Common mistakes and Format.
11. Writing a Research Report and Evaluating Research Report: Writing a Research
Report: Concept, Types and Format and Guidelines; Evaluating Research Report