Page 27 - BOOK 1
P. 27
Types of Assessment – Direct Assessment strategies – Indirect Assessment strategies –
Maximum performance – Typical performance – Construction of Achievement Test - Types
of questions – Supply type – Selection type – Numerical problem-solving methods – Connect
the item type with context.
6.4.4. Design of Question Paper
The method of ensuring congruence between classroom instruction and test content is
the development and application of a table of specification (ToS), also referred as a test
blue print. The table of specification helps the teachers review the curriculum content and
minimize the chance of overlooking important concepts or including relevant concepts. It
also encourages the teacher to use items of varying complexity.
Introduction to Table of Specifications (TOS) – Modules vs Levels in the TOS – Scheme of
Evaluation in TOS – Factors to be considered for preparing TOS.
6.4.5. Performance Assessment
Student performance in the laboratory, classrooms, industrial training, Assignment work
workshop and etc., are very much important to learn their subject actively. To measure
their learning in terms of performance is equally important as regular exams what we are
conducting in terms of assessment or examination. Checklists, rating scales and rubrics are
tools that state specific criteria and allow teachers and students to gather information and
to make judgements about what students know and can do in relation to the outcomes.
So, this unit provides the steps to assess the student performance as what they can do
with what they learn.
Overview of Performance Assessment- Introduction to Rubrics – Need for the rubrics
– Holistic rubric – Analytic rubric – preparation of Criteria and descriptors for Rubrics –
Consolidation of rubric values – B.Tech / M.Tech / PhD thesis Evaluation – Portfolios.
6.4.6. Establish Characteristics of Assessment
Teachers often use a variety of evaluation instruments toassess the scholastic achievement
of students. Test instrument are widely used to measure the student achievement at different
stages of the teaching and learning process. The effectiveness or the quality judgement
depend upon the equality of the test instruments. The most essential characteristics of
a good test are validity, reliability, and usability. This unit explain the characteristics of
assessment tool or assessment results.
Characteristics of evaluation tool – Validation of the tool - Reliability – Validity vs Reliability
– Logical and statistical validity – Usability – Discrimination factors in the Evaluation tool –
Interpretation of Test score – Estimate Reliability.
6.4.7. Item Analysis
A number of quantitative procedures are useful in assessing the quality and measurement
characteristics of the individual items that make the test. Collectively the procedures are
referred to as item analysis statistics or procedures. Item analysis procedures examine
the individual items separately. This unit explain the procedures to be followed to do the