Page 23 - BOOK 1
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Online tools for content creation - Promoting active learning strategy - Considerations
for Choosing Technology - Screen Casting Technique - Ed TED - Creation of Mind map –
Introduction to Gamification – Use of Documentaries in TEL.
5.4.4. Tools & Resources for creating Learning Assessment
This unit will provide you with some fundamental principles and practical examples for
designing formative and summative assessment. We will also explore benefits and
considerations that need to be considered when we adopt an online assessment strategy
in teaching, and how using technology can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the
assessment process.
Fundamentals of Assessment - Online tools for assessment - Considerations for Choosing
Technology- Tool Demonstration: Google Forms, Hot Potatoes, Plickers, Assessment in LMS,
Inline Video Quiz, Framing of Rubrics, Audio Feedback, portfolios – Reflective Teaching
Tool - Learning Analytics to inform learning.
5.4.5. Blended / Flipped Classroom & AI In classroom teaching
This unit will provide you with the insight about integration of tools in the classroom. The
different types of blended classroom and Flipped approach to be adopted. The golden
rules to be used for flipping is discussed in detail. The concept of Artificial Intelligence Used
in Education -- Real World Examples of Today and a Peek into The Future.
Concepts of Blended Instruction - Blending Models - Implementation strategies of Flipped
Classroom– Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education –Personalised learning – Role of
Educators - Tutoring
5.4.6. Digital Literacy, Copyrights & Lifelong learning
This unit will provide you with the insight about how to discover the role of the faculty
member in digital teaching learning process and provide insight about how to explore the
library facilities, discover the role of the faculty member in digital journals. The different
publication identification system and its insight about Research ID, ORCID, Scopus Author
ID. Plagiarism tools and its implementation.
Understanding Creative Commons - Handling copyright for online resources / courses -
Looking into Insight about OER - Insight about Research ID, ORCID, Scopus Author ID -
Plagiarism tools and its implementation.
5.4.7. Social Media in Education, Webinars & MOOCS
This unit will provide you with the insight about how to infuse social media in teaching
and learning process. How to infuse Blog, Twitter, Google hangouts into discussion and
collaborative learning. How to participate in webinar and select best courses for online
Web 2.0 Technologies: Twitter, Wikis and Blogs - Using Blogs for Peer Feedback and
Discussion Using Online communities– Nurturing Collaboration – Webinar – MOOCS –
Strategies to select MOOC – Steps to complete MOOCs.