Page 28 - BOOK 1
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Module information Brochure
item analysis procedure with respect to item difficulty, item discrimination and distracter
analysis. It also gives the details of qualitative item analysis procedures.
Introduction to item Analysis – Difficulty index – Discrimination Index – Distractor analysis
- Norm referenced interpretation – Criterion Referenced Interpretation.
6.4.8. Software tools for Assessment
Modern technology offers educators through a variety of software tools that can be used
in the classroom. Technology can help teachers track and assess their students’ as well as
their own performance in the classroom. It can also be used to facilitate communication
between students and teachers and to create digital records of student growth and
development that can easily be passed. Hence, this unit explain the procedures to be
followed for the top rated open source tools which can be suit to classroom assessment
and performance assessment.
Free and FOSS tools for preparative assessment, formative assessment and Evaluation –
Performance assessment tool
6.5. Reference
1. Reynolds, Cecil R., Ronald B. Livingston, Victor L. Willson, and Victor Willson.
Measurement and assessment in education. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education
International, 2010.
2. Krathwohl, David R., and Lorin W. Anderson. A taxonomy for learning, teaching,
and assessing: A revision of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. Longman,
3. Miller, Linn, Robert L. Measurement and assessment in teaching. 10th Edition,
Pearson Education India, 2008.
4. Gronlund, Norman Edward, and Robert L. Linn. Measurement and evaluation in
teaching. Vol. 4. New York: Macmillan, 1965.
5. Bryan, Cordelia, and Karen Clegg, eds. Innovative Assessment in Higher Education:
A Handbook for Academic Practitioners. Routledge, 2019.
6. Best and Innovative Practices in Higher Education Assessment, Hanover Research
Academy Administration Practice, 2013