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Course Coordinators : Dr. V.Shanmuganeethi, Dr. G. Janardhanan and
Dr. K S A. Dinesh kumar , NITTTR Chennai
Content Duration : 40 hours
6.1. Rationale
Student Assessment and Evaluation is an online SWAYAM course specially designed
and developed for the AICTE Technical Teacher Training Module. The main theme this MOOC
is that the assessment of learning plays an important role in the instructional process and
that its effectiveness depends heavily on the ability of teachers to construct and select tests
and assessments procedures that provide valid measures of learning outcomes. This MOOC
is structured to provide interactive learning experience to the faculty members and also to
develop an understanding of how to assess the students in-terms diagnostic, formative,
and summative assessment. The assessment would provide 360-degree feedback of the
student in connection to quantitative as well as qualitative performance. The assessment
practices must give the clarity between learning versus scoring. Since, assessment gives
the feedback to the faculty members about their instructional strategies, it helps to plan
and improve the Instructional strategies scientifically. So, this MOOC helps to the faculty
member to gather information about the impact of instructional strategies and how well
the student learned subject. Further, assessment and evaluation provide pathway to
improve the institution as whole.
6.2. Units
1 Introduction to Assessment and Evaluation
2 Two-Dimensional Approach
3 Assessment procedures
4 Design of Question Paper
5 Performance Assessment
6 Establish Characteristics of Assessment
7 Item Analysis
8 Software tools for Assessment
6.3. Module Outcomes
• To define the functional role of assessment and evaluation in an educational institution
• To explain the complexity of the content and ability need to be developed among
the students
• To differentiate convergent and divergent questioning in the assessment practices.
• To differentiate the Direct and Indirect assessment strategies and select appropriate