Page 19 - BOOK 1
P. 19
4.4.4. Instructional Media
Instructional media plays an important role in improving the effectiveness of instruction and
in enhancing the process of learning. This unit focuses on the importance of instructional
media, identification of relevant media for the given teaching learning environment from
traditional to emerging media. Further, the importance of various media elements, media
design principles and guidelines, designing of print and non-print media, effective use
of chalkboard and interactive board are elaborated with examples in video as well as in
e-content. This will guide the teacher trainee in designing, developing and using different
types of instructional media in classroom, laboratory, workshop, etc. The contents of
this unit include: 4 lessons, 11 videos, 7 activities, 2 assignments, 2 discussion forums, and
Multiple-Choice Questions.
4.4.5. Instructional Plan Preparation
Every teacher, whether newly recruited or experienced, has to plan for the sessions to
be implemented. This ensures effective use of resources and organization of teaching
learning activities, to attain intended learning outcomes. A teacher is expected to plan for
classroom, laboratory, workshop and industry-based instructions. The session plan should
be discussed with peers and mentors to obtain feedback on various aspects of planning.
The developed plan needs to be modified in view of the feedback provided. This unit will
equip a trainee teacher to prepare a session plan systematically and get it validated. The
contents of this unit include: 3 lessons, 3 activities, 1 assignment, and Multiple-Choice
4.4.6. Instructional Delivery
The final outcome of this module is to improve the teachers’ performance through
“Practicum in classroom’. Apart from planning for practicum, organisation and effective
management of resources for delivery are also important. The teacher also has to make
provision for assessment of student’s learning during planning and delivery of the session,
which is an integral part of teaching learning process. Assignment, quiz, classroom tests,
are some of the important tools to assess the learning of students in formative stage
in classroom situation while checklists, rating scales, and rubrics are used for practical
performance assessment during workshop and lab sessions. Guidelines for using these
tools in brief are included in this unit, and will be dealt in detail in Module 6 on ‘Students’
Assessment and Evaluation’.Further in this unit, the teacher will deliver a session
of stipulated duration in a classroom situation. The presentation will be followed by
feedback, which may be provided using the suggested format by the peers and mentor.
In addition, the teacher trainee ought to introspect, as self-feedback is significant activity
for self-improvement. This feedback process will result in identification of areas for
improvement in order to enhance the effectiveness of teaching - learning process. As we
know any skill cannot be developed in one attempt, so the cycle of practicing, getting
feedback, improving the performance based on the feedback and re-practice should
continue, till the teacher achieve confidence level and develop effective presentation
skills. The contents of this unit include: 4 lessons, 6 videos, 4 activities, 6 assignments, 1
discussion forum, and Multiple-Choice Questions.