Page 35 - BOOK 1
P. 35
8.4.4. Institution Management Process: Organising for
In this part, the participants shall be oriented towards the concept and importance of
organising in optimizing resources of an institution. How important is an organisational
structure in delegating authority, types of organisational structures and how to design an
effective organisational structure shall also be made aware to the participants. Participants
shall also be made to understand the authority -responsibility-accountability triad and the
role they have in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness.
8.4.5. Organising : Partnering for Success
This section deals with importance of team work for the growth of an institution. After
going through the contents the participants will be well versed with many important
aspects of “team”. Participants shall also understand how networking and partnering with
the stakeholders of the system important for any successful institution in being responsive
and up-to date in today’s changing and competitive world.
8.4.6. Institutional Management Process: Staffing with relevant
Human Resources
This capsule highlights the importance of recruiting right man for the right job in any
educational institution. The concept of recruitment, its parameters, process, rules and
regulations to be followed have been underlined in this unit. Importance of training, its
types for the faculty and staff and norms, as recommended by the statutory authority, has
also been made an integral part of this unit.
8.4.7. Staffing: Promotion and Compensation for Job Satisfaction
This section provides insight to the role of promotion and compensation in motivating
faculty and staff to give their best to the institution. Different types of promotion and their
features have also been explained in this segment. Methods of compensation, how to fix
these, do’s and don’ts of conduct of employees and rules and regulations of Government
& statutory authorities regarding these have also been incorporated.
8.4.8. Staffing: Financial and Purchase Procedures for
Institutional Management
This unit provides understanding to the salient features of financial planning in an
institution. Financial needs, sources of funds, financial analysis, assets management and
capital budgeting has been dealt in this part. General purchase procedures based on GFR
2017are the major input areas in this entirety.
8.4.9. Institutional Management Process: Directing through
Academic Leadership
This unit deals with the importance of leadership for any successful academic institution.
Participants shall be exposed to various theories of leadership with pros and cons of each.
How different leadership styles should be used in handling different types of subordinates
form the major part of this important segment.