NITTTR Chennai has a rich experience in conducting Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs) on various areas of Engineering specialization and Engineering Pedagogical programmes. The AICTE, NBA and NAAC have recognized all the short-term training programmes conducted by NITTTR for consideration for the purpose of Instutional development, Departmental growth and movement to higher grades under the Career Advancement Scheme of the faculty members. |
To enhance the knowledge and skills of the teacher in state of art technologies in Engineering Domain. |
To strengthen the teachers with modern Tools and Technologies of Online Learner Centered Teaching – Learning - Assessment Process |
To equip the teachers with modern methods of Teaching – Learning Process, based on classical theories of Engineering Education |
To inculcate the Professional ethics, values and competencies in Teachers |
To provide guidance to adopt to the changes in Curriculum via-a-vis Industrial needs. |
The NITTTR, Chennai offers training programmes, which will be conducted by NITTTR Faculty at the host institution for the benefit of teachers of institution concerned. The institutions can plan a training programme with NITTTR Chennai for a mutually convenient period for the conduct of the Faculty Development Programme (FDP) in the areas as Engineering and Engineering Education as follows: |
Duration of programme is maximum of 6 days and minimum of 3 days. Maximum 40 participants will be accommodated in a programme. Two to Four faculty members from NITTTR,Chennai will be deputed as recourse persons for the programme. In addition, Director, NITTTR Chennai may deliver a special address during inauguration or valedictory function. | |
The Course Fee for a programme is Rs.80,000/- (without deducting TDS) The fee should be paid in advance in the form of a DD in favour of "The Director NITTTR Chennai" payable at Chennai or Online Transaction (Details Contact 044-22545437/38). In addition to Rs.80,000/-, the host Institution will arrange and borne the travel cost of the resource persons by air /rail / road as per Govt. of India norms(includes residence to departing station and back). Local transport (daily) from the hotel / Guest House to the Institute and back as well asthe boarding and lodging should be in good quality hotel / Guest house. | |
One master copy of the Resource Materials Package (RMP) will be provided by the NITTTR, Chennai well in advance. The college has to photocopy, bind and distribute one copy of RMP to each participant prior to the commencement or on the first day of the FDP. Further, during the training,photocopying service for exercise sheets / assignments / other related documents has to be provided by the institution. The Institution has to provide necessary facilities to shoot, record and replay the teaching performance of participants during "Simulated Teaching Practice Sessions". This facility will be required for a maximum period of two days. | |
The NITTTR, Chennai will issue certificates to participants on successful completion of Programme. |
The NITTTR, Chennai has been offering training programmes for TEQIP institutions in a customized manner based on the requirement of the institution. |
TEQIP Norms Applicable to conduct the Training Programmes |
Code | Programme Name | Coordinator | Duration | Target Audience | Application Form |
FDP-129 | Performance evaluation in Laboratory courses | Dr. G. Janardhanan | 07-03-2022 to 11-03-2022 | Faculty members of Civil & Allied disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-145 | Solar Power Electronics and Alternate Energy sources | Dr. G.A. Rathy | 07-03-2022 to 11-03-2022 | Teachers of all branches of Engineering, Science and Management | Application Form |
FDP-146 | Communication Skills | Dr. K. S. Giridharan | 07-03-2022 to 11-03-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering / Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-147 | Multimedia for Teaching | Shri. A. P. Felix Arokiya Raj | 07-03-2022 to 11-03-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-148 | Employability Skills | Dr. R. Rajendran | 14-03-2022 to 18-03-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-149 | Python Programming | Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi | 14-03-2022 to 18-03-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-150 | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning | Er. M. Senthil Kumar | 21-03-2022 to 25-03-2022 | Teachers of Mechanical, Refrigeration & Air conditioning Engg. | Application Form |
FDP-151 | Programming using Arduino and Raspberry Pi | Dr. P. Sivasankar | 21-03-2022 to 25-03-2022 | Engg/Poly Faculty members from Electrical/Electronics/Instrumentation/Communication/CSE/IT | Application Form |
FDP-152 | 3D Animation and Modeling | Shri. A. P. Felix Arokiya Raj | 28-03-2022 to 01-04-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-169 | Laboratory practice in Pspice based exercises in EC engineering as per C-20 curriculum of AP | Dr. G.A. Rathy | 28-03-2022 to 01-04-2022 | Teachers of ECE of Polytechnics of AP | Contact mode |
FDP-170 | Course file preparation | Dr C.R Nagendra Rao | 04-04-2022 to 08-04-2022 | Teachers of Humanities and Science of Polytechnics of AP | Contact mode |
FDP-171 | Induction for newly recruited teachers | Dr C.R Nagendra Rao | 18-04-2022 to 29-04-2022 | Teachers of all disciplines of Polytechnics of AP | Contact mode |
FDP-1 | Python Programming | Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi | 10-05-2021 to 15-05-2021 | Faculty members of CSC/IT from Engineering Colleges and Poly Colleges | Application |
FDP-2 | Implementation of OBE and Online Teaching | Dr. U.S. Sahu | 10-05-2021 to 15-05-2021 | All Teachers | Application |
FDP-3 | Verilog Programming | Dr. P. Sivasankar | 17-05-2021 to 21-05-2021 | Faculty of Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Computer Science and Instrumentation disciplines | Application |
FDP-4 | Induction Phase II (Week 1) - Professional Development Toolkit for Teachers | Dr. S. Renukadevi | 17-05-2021 to 21-05-2021 | Teachers already attended FDPOM-82 (Induction Training Programme Phase I from 02.11.2020 to 07.11.2020) | Application |
FDP-5 | Induction Phase II (Week 2) - Outcome Based Education | Dr. K.S. Giridharan | 24-05-2021 to 28-05-2021 | Teachers already attended FDPOM-82 (Induction Training Programme Phase I from 02.11.2020 to 07.11.2020) | Application |
FDP-6 | Thermal Power and Energy Engineering | Er. M. Senthil Kumar | 24-05-2021 to 28-05-2021 | Teachers from Mechanical Engineering, Thermal and Energy Disciplines | Application |
FDP-7 | Implementation of OBE and Online Teaching | Dr. U.S. Sahu | 24-05-2021 to 28-05-2021 | All Teachers | Application |
FDP-8 | MATLAB and LabVIEW Programming for Engineering Applications (Two weeks) | Dr. G. Kulanthaivel | 24-05-2021 to 04-06-2021 | Faculty members of Electrical/ Electronics/ Instrumentation/ Biomedical/ Communication Engineering disciplines from Polytechnic and Engineering Colleges | Application |
FDP-9 | Quality Assurance through NAAC Accreditation Process | Dr. E.S.M. Suresh | 31-05-2021 to 04-06-2021 | Senior Faculty members of all disciplines | Application |
FDP-10 | Learning Management Systems | Dr. P. Malliga | 31-05-2021 to 04-06-2021 | All Teachers | Application |
FDP-11 | PHP and MYSQL | Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi | 07-06-2021 to 11-06-2021 | Faculty members of CSC/IT from Engineering Colleges and Polytechnic Colleges | Application |
FDP-12 | Implementation of OBE and Online Teaching | Dr. U.S. Sahu | 07-06-2021 to 11-06-2021 | All Teachers | Application |
FDP-14 | Student Psychology | Dr. S. Renukadevi | 14-06-2021 to 18-06-2021 | Teachers of all disciplines in Technical Institutions | Application |
FDP-15 | Industrial Automation Using PLC, Pneumatics and Robotics | Dr. G. A. Rathy | 14-06-2021 to 18-06-2021 | Faculty members of Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation and Mechanical disciplines | Application |
FDP-16 | Advances in Materials & Manufacturing | Dr. S. Somasundaram | 14-06-2021 to 18-06-2021 | Teachers of Mechanical Engineering/ Automobile/Production/Metallurgy | Application |
FDP-17 | Free and Open Source Software in Civil Engineering | Dr. K.S.A. Dinesh Kumar | 14-06-2021 to 18-06-2021 | All Teachers | Application |
FDP-18 | NBA Accreditation Process for UG and PG Programs | Dr. E.S.M. Suresh | 21-06-2021 to 25-06-2021 | Senior Faculty members of all disciplines | Application |
FDP-19 | Outcome Based Education | Dr. K.S. Giridharan | 21-06-2021 to 25-06-2021 | Faculty members of Polytechnic and Engineering colleges | Application |
FDP-20 | Non-Traditional Machining | Dr. S. Somasundaram | 21-06-2021 to 25-06-2021 | Teachers of Mechanical Engineering/ Automobile/Production/Metallurgy | Application |
FDP-21 | Embedded Systems using 8051 Micro Controller | Dr. P. Sivasankar | 21-06-2021 to 25-06-2021 | Faculty members of Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Computer Science and Instrumentation disciplines | Application |
FDP-22 | Implementation of OBE and Online Teaching | Dr. U.S. Sahu | 21-06-2021 to 25-06-2021 | All Teachers | Application |
FDP-23 | AutoCAD-A Practical Oriented Programme | Shri. V A Shamsudeen | 21-06-2021 to 25-06-2021 | Faculty members of Mechanical, Polymer, Automobile Engg Disciplines | Application |
FDP-24 | Instructional Design for Online Learning | Shri. A.P.Felix Arokiya Raj | 28-06-2021 to 02-07-2021 | All Teachers | Application |
FDP-25 | Repairs and Renovations of Structures | Dr. K.S.A. Dinesh Kumar | 28-06-2021 to 02-07-2021 | All Teachers | Application |
FDP-26 | Renewable Energy Sources | Er. M. Senthil Kumar | 28-06-2021 to 02-07-2021 | All Teachers | Application |
FDP-27 | Soft Skills | Dr. K.S. Giridharan | 28-06-2021 to 02-07-2021 | Faculty members of both Polytechnic and Engineering colleges | Application |
FDP-28 | Nanotechnology & Applications | Dr. S. Somasundaram | 05-07-2021 to 09-07-2021 | Faculty members of Mechanical/Automobile/ Production/Metallurgy disciplines | Application |
FDP-29 | Biomedical Electronics and IoT in Healthcare | Dr. G. Kulanthaivel | 12-07-2021 to 16-07-2021 | Faculty members of Electrical/ Electronics/ Instrumentation/ Biomedical/ Communication Engineering disciplines from Engineering / Polytechnic Colleges | Application |
FDP-31 | Computer Aided Manufacturing & Metrology | Dr. S. Somasundaram | 12-07-2021 to 16-07-2021 | Faculty members of Mechanical /Automobile/ Production/Metallurgy disciplines | Application |
FDP-32 | Animation and Presentation Techniques | Shri. A. P. Felix Arokiya Raj | 12-07-2021 to 16-07-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application |
FDP-33 | Developing Professional Attributes for OBE Curriculum | Er. V. Sivakumar | 12-07-2021 to 16-07-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering / Polytechnic Colleges | Application |
FDP-34 | OER and Open Education Practices | Dr. P. Malliga | 19-07-2021 to 23-07-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-30 | Motivation and Leadership | Dr. R. Rajendran | 26-07-2021 to 30-07-2021 | Faculty members of Engineering/Arts & Humanities disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-35 | Instructional Design and Delivery System (Basic Pedagogy) | Dr. S. Renukadevi | 26-07-2021 to 30-07-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering / Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-36 | NBA Process for Diploma Programs | Dr. R. Santhakumar | 26-07-2021 to 28-07-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-37 | Emerging Trends in E-Learning | Dr. P. Malliga | 26-07-2021 to 30-07-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-38 | Circuit Simulation and PCB Design Using Multisim | Dr. G. A. Rathy | 26-07-2021 to 30-07-2021 | Faculty members of Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-39 | Energy and Environmental Management | Er. M. Senthil Kumar | 26-07-2021 to 30-07-2021 | Faculty of Mechanical /Energy and Environmental Engg. disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-40 | Optical Fiber Communication | Dr. U S Sahu | 26-07-2021 to 30-07-2021 | Faculty members of ECE/ EEE/ EIE/ Physics and allied disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-42 | Creating Interactive Video Lessons | Dr. P. Malliga | 02-08-2021 to 06-08-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-43 | Advanced Java Programming | Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi | 02-08-2021 to 06-08-2021 | Faculty members of CSE and IT disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-44 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing | Dr. S. Somasundaram | 02-08-2021 to 06-08-2021 | Faculty members of Mechanical /Automobile/ Production/Metallurgy disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-45 | VHDL Programming | Dr. P. Sivasankar | 02-08-2021 to 06-08-2021 | Faculty members of EEE/EIE/ECE disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-46 | NBA Accreditation | Er. V Sivakumar | 02-08-2021 to 06-08-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering / Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-13 | Industrial Automation-A Practical Oriented Programme on Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Sensorics & PLCs | Shri. V A Shamsudeen | 09-08-2021 to 13-08-2021 | Faculty members of Mechanical, Automobile, Electrical, Instrumentation Engg Disciplines | Application |
FDP-47 | MATLAB Programming for Simulation and Design | Dr. G. Kulanthaivel | 09-08-2021 to 13-08-2021 | Faculty members of all discipline from Engineering / Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-48 | NBA Process for Degree Programs | Dr. R. Santhakumar | 09-08-2021 to 11-08-2021 | Faculty members of all discipline from Engineering Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-49 | Outcome based Assessment | Dr. K. S. Giridharan | 09-08-2021 to 13-08-2021 | Faculty members of all discipline from Engineering / Polytechnic colleges | Application Form |
FDP-50 | LaTeX and Desktop Publishing | Shri. A. P. Felix Arokiya Raj | 09-08-2021 to 13-08-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-51 | Internet of things (IOT) | Dr. G. A. Rathy | 23-08-2021 to 27-08-2021 | Faculty members of Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation and Mechanical disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-53 | Induction Training Programme (Basic & Advanced Pedagogy) (2 Weeks) | Dr. S. Renukadevi | 23-08-2021 to 03-09-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Polytechnic & Engineering Teachers | Application Form |
FDP-54 | Instructional Material Development | Dr. P. Malliga | 23-08-2021 to 27-08-2021 | All Teachers | Application Form |
FDP-55 | Cloud Computing | Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi | 23-08-2021 to 27-08-2021 | Faculty members of CSE / IT disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-56 | Refresher course on Energy, Thermal and Refrigeration & Air Conditioning | Er. M. Senthil Kumar | 23-08-2021 to 27-08-2021 | faculty of mechanical / thermal energy and refrigeration & air conditioning Engineering | Application Form |
FDP-57 | Open Educational Resources and Libraries | Dr. R. Ravichandran | 23-08-2021 to 27-08-2021 | Library Science Teachers and Librarian or Staff-in-charge of Library | Application Form |
FDP-59 | Advanced Pedagogy | Dr. S. Renukadevi | 30-08-2021 to 03-09-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-60 | Advances in Welding and Manufacturing | Dr. S. Somasundaram | 30-08-2021 to 03-09-2021 | Faculty members of Mechanical /Automobile/ Production/Metallurgy disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-41 | A practical approach on Arduino, raspberry pi and compatibles | Dr. V.A. Shamsudeen | 31-08-2021 to 04-09-2021 | Faculty from Electrical / Electronics, Instrumentation and allied branches | Application Form |
FDP-58 | Developing Professional Attributes for OBE Curriculum | Er. V. Sivakumar | 13-09-2021 to 17-09-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-62 | Question Paper Authoring and Student Evaluation | Dr. K. S. Giridharan | 13-09-2021 to 17-09-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering/Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-63 | Applications in Power Electronics Engineering | Dr. G. A. Rathy | 13-09-2021 to 17-09-2021 | Faculty members of Electrical, Electronics & Communication and Instrumentation disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-64 | Web Design | Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi | 13-09-2021 to 17-09-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-65 | Graphic Design and Interactive Media | Shri. A. P. Felix Arokiya Raj | 13-09-2021 to 17-09-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-66 | Counselling for Student Development | Dr. R. Rajendran | 13-09-2021 to 17-09-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-67 | Personality Development and NLP | Dr. S. Renukadevi | 20-09-2021 to 24-09-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-68 | Graphical System Design using LabVIEW | Dr. G. Kulanthaivel | 20-09-2021 to 24-09-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering / Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-69 | Research Methodology & SPSS Applications | Dr. R. Rajendran | 20-09-2021 to 24-09-2021 | Faculty members of Engineering/Arts & Humanities disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-70 | Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design | Dr. K. S. A. Dinesh Kumar | 20-09-2021 to 24-09-2021 | Faculty members of Civil Engineering and allied disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-71 | NBA Accreditation | Er. V Sivakumar | 20-09-2021 to 24-09-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-72 | NBA Accreditation | Dr. K. S. Giridharan | 27-09-2021 to 29-09-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-73 | Cyber Security | Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi | 27-09-2021 to 01-10-2021 | Faculty members of CSE/IT | Application Form |
FDP-74 | Solar, Wind and Bio Energy Applications | Er. M. Senthil Kumar | 27-09-2021 to 01-10-2021 | Faculty of Mechanical, Energy Engineering | Application Form |
FDP-75 | Copyright and its Implication | Dr. R. Ravichandran | 27-09-2021 to 01-10-2021 | Library Science Teachers and Librarian or Staff-in-charge of Library | Application Form |
FDP-76 | Infrastructure for SMART City Planning | Dr. G. Janardhanan | 04-10-2021 to 08-10-2021 | Faculty members of Civil Engineering | Application Form |
FDP-77 | Mentoring and Counselling Skills for teachers | Dr. S. Renukadevi | 04-10-2021 to 08-10-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-78 | Entrepreneurship Development and Startups | Dr. R. Santhakumar | 04-10-2021 to 08-10-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-79 | Free Software for Collaborative Learning | Shri. A. P. Felix Arokiya Raj | 04-10-2021 to 08-10-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-80 | Instructional Design and Delivery System | Dr. R. Rajendran | 04-10-2021 to 08-10-2021 | Faculty members of Engineering/Arts & Humanities disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-81 | Electrical & Electronic Systems for wind & solar | Dr. G. A. Rathy | 04-10-2021 to 08-10-2021 | Faculty members of Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation and Mechanical disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-82 | Trends in CNC Machining & Metrology | Dr. S. Somasundaram | 04-10-2021 to 08-10-2021 | Faculty members of Mechanical/Automobile/ Production/Metallurgy disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-153 | Relational Database Management Systems | Dr. Swagata Das | 11-10-2021 to 13-10-2021 | Faculty members of CSE / IT disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-52 | Linux Server Administration | Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi | 25-10-2021 to 29-10-2021 | Faculty members of CSE /IT disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-83 | Problem based teaching learning process | Dr. G. Janardhanan | 25-10-2021 to 29-10-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-84 | Data Communication and Networking | Dr. G. Kulanthaivel | 25-10-2021 to 29-10-2021 | Faculty members of Electronics/ Instrumentation/ CSE/IT Communication Engineering disciplines from Polytechnic and Engineering Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-85 | Instructional Design for Online Courses | Dr. P. Malliga | 25-10-2021 to 29-10-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-86 | Advances in Casting and Manufacturing | Dr. S. Somasundaram | 25-10-2021 to 29-10-2021 | Faculty members of Mechanical/Automobile/Production/Metallurgy disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-87 | Green and Sustainable Energy Development | Er. M. Senthil Kumar | 25-10-2021 to 29-10-2021 | Faculty of Mechanical, Energy, Environmental Engineering | Application Form |
FDP-88 | Developing Professional Attributes for OBE Curriculum | Er. V Sivakumar | 25-10-2021 to 29-10-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-154 | Research Writing Workshop | Dr. Ashish Agrawal | 25-10-2021 to 27-10-2021 | Faculty members / Research Scholars / Students of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-155 | Probability & Statistics using R | Dr. Swagata Das | 25-10-2021 to 29-10-2021 | Faculty members of CSE /IT disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-90 | Life skills | Dr. K. S. Giridharan | 08-11-2021 to 12-11-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-91 | Wireless Communication | Dr. P. Sivasankar | 08-11-2021 to 12-11-2021 | Faculty members of EEE/EIE/ECE/CSE and IT disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-156 | Communication Skills for Professionals and Entrepreneurs | Dr. Ashish Agrawal | 08-11-2021 to 12-11-2021 | Faculty members / Research Scholars / Students of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-157 | Design Thinking for the Software Developer | Dr. Swagata Das | 08-11-2021 to 12-11-2021 | Faculty members of CSE /IT disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-61 | Geotechnical Engineering Practice | Dr. G. Janardhanan | 22-11-2021 to 26-11-2021 | Faculty members of Civil Engineering | Application Form |
FDP-94 | Life Skill Development | Dr. R. Rajendran | 22-11-2021 to 26-11-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-95 | PLC programming using micro 820 controllers | Dr. G. A. Rathy | 22-11-2021 to 26-11-2021 | Faculty members of Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-96 | NAAC Accreditation | Dr. K. S. Giridharan | 22-11-2021 to 24-11-2021 | Faculty members from Technical Institutions | Application Form |
FDP-97 | Software Engineering | Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi | 22-11-2021 to 26-11-2021 | Faculty members of CSE/IT from Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-98 | Statistics for Data Analytics | Shri. A. P. Felix Arokiya Raj | 22-11-2021 to 26-11-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-99 | Hardware & Networking | Dr. U S Sahu | 22-11-2021 to 26-11-2021 | Faculty members of ECE/CSE and allied disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-100 | Lab View and MATLAB Programming | Dr. G. Kulanthaivel | 22-11-2021 to 26-11-2021 | Faculty members of Electronics, Computer and Allied disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-107 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing | Dr. S. Somasundaram | 22-11-2021 to 26-11-2021 | Faculty members of Mechanical/Automobile/ Production/Metallurgy disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-158 | Formative Assessment Techniques | Dr. Ashish Agrawal | 22-11-2021 to 26-11-2021 | Faculty members / Research Scholars / Students of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-159 | Python for Beginners | Dr. Swagata Das | 22-11-2021 to 26-11-2021 | Faculty members of CSE /IT disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-92 | English Language & Laboratory Skills for Students | Dr. S. Renukadevi | 29-11-2021 to 03-12-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering / Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-93 | NBA Accreditation | Er. V Sivakumar | 29-11-2021 to 03-12-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering / Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-101 | Quality Assurance of Technical Institutions through Accreditation | Dr. G. Kulanthaivel | 29-11-2021 to 03-12-2021 | Engineering College/Polytechnic College Faculty members from any discipline | Application Form |
FDP-102 | Refrigeration and Air Conditioning | Dr. M. Senthilkumar | 29-11-2021 to 03-12-2021 | Faculty of Mechanical, Refrigeration & Air conditioning Engg. | Application Form |
FDP-103 | Professional Development of Teachers | Dr. S. Renukadevi | 06-12-2021 to 10-12-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-104 | Behavioural Assessment of Students | Dr. R. Rajendran | 06-12-2021 to 10-12-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-105 | Lifelong Learning and Innovation Skills | Dr. P. Malliga | 06-12-2021 to 10-12-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-106 | Arduino Programming using Tinkercad | Dr. G. A. Rathy | 06-12-2021 to 10-12-2021 | Faculty members of Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-108 | NBA Accreditation Process | Dr. U S Sahu | 06-12-2021 to 10-12-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-160 | Learning Theories | Dr. Ashish Agrawal | 06-12-2021 to 10-12-2021 | Faculty members / Research Scholars / Students of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-161 | Web Development using HTML5 | Dr. Swagata Das | 06-12-2021 to 10-12-2021 | Faculty members of CSE /IT disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-165 | Electronic Product Design Concepts | Shri. V A Shamsudeen | 06-12-2021 to 10-12-2021 | Faculty members of Electrical, Electronics and Allied branches of Polytechnics and Engg colleges | Application Form |
FDP-109 | Data Analytics | Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi | 13-12-2021 to 17-12-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-110 | Sustainable Construction Materials & Techniques | Dr. K. S. A. Dinesh Kumar | 13-12-2021 to 17-12-2021 | Faculty members of Civil Engineering and allied disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-111 | Engineering Applications using MATLAB Programming | Dr. P. Sivasankar | 13-12-2021 to 17-12-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-112 | Video Editing and Multimedia Design | Shri. A. P. Felix Arokiya Raj | 13-12-2021 to 17-12-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-113 | Developing Professional Attributes for OBE Curriculum | Er. V Sivakumar | 13-12-2021 to 17-12-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-89 | NBA Accreditation Process | Dr. U S Sahu | 20-12-2021 to 24-12-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-114 | Leadership and Teamwork for Performance Excellence | Dr. K. S. Giridharan | 20-12-2021 to 24-12-2021 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering / Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-115 | Refresher course on Energy, Automobile and Refrigeration & Air Conditioning | Er. M. Senthil Kumar | 20-12-2021 to 24-12-2021 | Faculty of Mechanical, Automobile, Energy, Refrigeration & Air conditioning Engg., | Application Form |
FDP-162 | Reflective Teaching for Diverse Student Population | Dr. Ashish Agrawal | 20-12-2021 to 24-12-2021 | Faculty members / Research Scholars / Students of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-163 | How Data Mining works | Dr. Swagata Das | 20-12-2021 to 24-12-2021 | Faculty members of CSE /IT disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-116 | Active and Collaborative Learning | Dr. P. Malliga | 03-01-2022 to 07-01-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-117 | IPR for Teachers | Dr. K. S. Giridharan | 03-01-2022 to 07-01-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering / Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-118 | Machine Learning | Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi | 03-01-2022 to 07-01-2022 | Faculty members of CSC/IT from Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-119 | Trends in Mechatronics and Manufacturing | Dr. S. Somasundaram | 03-01-2022 to 07-01-2022 | Teachers of Mechanical Engg/Automobile/ Production/Metallurgy | Application Form |
FDP-120 | ARM LPC2148 Microcontroller and its Applications | Dr. P. Sivasankar | 03-01-2022 to 07-01-2022 | Engg & Poly faculty from Electrical / Electronics / Instrumentation / Communication / CSE / IT | Application Form |
FDP-121 | Social Media and Learning Resources | Shri. A. P. Felix Arokiya Raj | 03-01-2022 to 07-01-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-122 | Professional Ethics | Dr. U.S. Sahu | 03-01-2022 to 07-01-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-123 | NBA Process for Diploma Programmes | Dr. R. Santhakumar | 17-01-2022 to 19-01-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-124 | Guidance & Counselling | Dr. R. Rajendran | 17-01-2022 to 21-01-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-125 | Electric Vehicle Engineering | Dr. G.A. Rathy | 17-01-2022 to 21-01-2022 | Engg & Poly faculty from Electrical / Electronics / Instrumentation / Mechanical Disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-126 | Developing Activities for OBE Attributes (Electrical & Allied) | Dr. U.S. Sahu | 17-01-2022 to 21-01-2022 | (DEEE, DECE, DCME & DEIE) | Application Form |
FDP-128 | MATLAB and LabVIEW Programming for Engineering Applications | Dr. G. Kulanthaivel | 24-01-2022 to 04-02-2022 | Engineering College/Polytechnic College Faculty members from any discipline | Application Form |
FDP-131 | Data Interpretation and Visualization using R | Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi | 31-01-2022 to 04-02-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-132 | Non Traditional Machining | Dr. S. Somasundaram | 31-01-2022 to 04-02-2022 | Teachers of Mechanical Engg/Automobile/ Production/Metallurgy | Application Form |
FDP-133 | Management of Polytechnics | Dr. U.S. Sahu | 31-01-2022 to 04-02-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-168 | AICTE-ISTE - Arduino and Raspberry Pi Programming | Dr. G. A. Rathy | 31-01-2022 to 05-02-2022 | Engineering and Polytechnic college Teachers of Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation and Mechanical Engineering disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-134 | Happiness and Wellbeing | Dr. S. Renukadevi | 07-02-2022 to 11-02-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-135 | Soft Skills Training | Dr. R. Rajendran | 07-02-2022 to 11-02-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-136 | Applications in PLC | Dr. G.A. Rathy | 07-02-2022 to 11-02-2022 | Engg & Poly faculty from Electrical / Electronics / Instrumental / Mechanical Disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-137 | Developing Activities for OBE Attributes (Mechanical & Allied) | Dr. U.S. Sahu | 07-02-2022 to 11-02-2022 | (DME, DAA, DPKG, DLT, DMET, DCHE & DFWT) | Application Form |
FDP-164 | Critical Pedagogy | Dr. Ashish Agrawal | 07-02-2022 to 11-02-2022 | Faculty members / Research Scholars / Students of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-166 | Modern Geotechnical Engineering | Dr. E. S. M. Suresh | 07-02-2022 to 11-02-2022 | Teachers of Civil Engineering and Allied branches | Application Form |
FDP-138 | Instructional Design and Delivery System | Dr. K.S. Giridharan | 14-02-2022 to 18-02-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines from Engineering / Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-139 | Reference Management and Data Visualization | Shri. A. P. Felix Arokiya Raj | 14-02-2022 to 18-02-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-127 | Yoga for Physical and Mental Health | Dr. S. Renukadevi | 21-02-2022 to 25-02-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-140 | Problem Solving using Python Programming Lab Manual Preparation | Dr. V. Shanmuganeethi | 21-02-2022 to 25-02-2022 | Faculty members of CSE/IT from Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges | Application Form |
FDP-141 | Smart Manufacturing | Dr. S. Somasundaram | 21-02-2022 to 25-02-2022 | Teachers of Mechanical Engg/Automobile/ Production/Metallurgy | Application Form |
FDP-142 | Sensor Applications using my RIO | Dr. P. Sivasankar | 21-02-2022 to 25-02-2022 | Engg & Poly faculty from Electrical / Electronics / Instrumentation / Communication / CSE / IT | Application Form |
FDP-143 | NEP-2020: Impact & Future Plans | Dr. U.S. Sahu | 21-02-2022 to 25-02-2022 | Faculty members of all disciplines | Application Form |
FDP-167 | Leadership for Academicians of Higher Educational Institutions | Dr. E. S. M. Suresh | 21-02-2022 to 25-02-2022 | Senior Teachers of all branches / Principals | Application Form |
FDP-130 | Renewable Energy Applications | Er. M. Senthil Kumar | 28-02-2022 to 04-03-2022 | Faculty of Mechanical, Automobile, Energy Engg., | Application Form |
FDP-144 | Advanced Communication Systems | Dr. G. Kulanthaivel | 28-02-2022 to 04-03-2022 | Engineering College/Polytechnic College Faculty members from Electronics/Communication/Telecommunication discipline | Application Form |
webinars are open for both Engineering and Polytechnic College Teachers, unless specified. | |
There is no fee for attending the Webinars. |
The webinar coordinator will inform well in advance the webinar platform.The online Registration form will be available in the following webinar calendar. Attendance is compulsory to receive the certificate. |
Webinar Code | Title of the Webinar | Coordinator | Date & Duration | Target Audience | Appication Form |
WOM-07 | Urban Environmental Management | Dr. G. Janardharan | 12.06.2021 & 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. | All faculty members of Technical Institutions | Click to Apply |
WOM-08 | Student Centred Learning (SCL) | Dr. Umashanker Sahu | 15.06.2021 & 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 Noon | All Teachers, Academicians, Research Scholars and Academic Administrators | Click to Apply |
WOM-09 | Environmental Impact Assessment | Dr. G. Janardharan | 19.06.2021 & 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 Noon | All faculty members of Technical Institutions | Click to Apply |
WOM-10 | Yoga Mudras | Dr. S. Renukadevi | 21.06.2021 & 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 Noon | Indian and Overseas Technical Teachers and Administrators | Click to Apply |
Modular courses are open for both Engineering and Polytechnic College Teachers, unless specified. | |
All are National level FDPs.The Government and Govt. Aided College teachers shall follow their exiting norms for deputation to attend the above said Online Modular courses. | |
There is no course fee to attend the Modular courses. |
The schedule will be provided by the coordinator. The resource materials will be available in the LMS of NITTTR Chennai. The coordinator will inform well in advance the meeting platform and tools required to undergo the Modular courses. | |
The online application form will be available in the below table. Attendance is compulsory on all the days of the course. Deputation order / Permission letter issued by the respective competent authority of the participant is mandatory for attending the Modular courses and for the issue of the certificate.Course Feedback link also will be provided by the / Coordinator to give the feedback. | |
NITTTR will issue a Certificate to only the participants who have submitted their deputation order / permission letter and attended the programme completely. The participants need to secure minimum marks in the final online evaluation. | |
Course Code | Title of the Modular Course | Coordinator | Duration | Week Days | Target Audience | Appication Form |
FDMPOM-03 | E-Content Development and learning Management Systems | Dr. P. Malliga | 14.06.2021 to 30.06.2021 | Monday, Wednesday & Friday @ 3.00 p.m.-4.00 p.m. | All faculty members of Technical Institutions | Click to Apply |
FDMPOM-04 | Empowering Research and Statistical Analysis | Dr. R. Rajendran | 03.08.2021 to 31.08.2021 | Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 12.00 Noon to 1.00 pm | All faculty members of Technical Institutions & Research Scholars | Click to Apply |
Dr. G. Janardhanan Associate Professor,Department of Civil and Environmental Management Head i.c, Cenre for Curriculum Development, Planning and Coordination NITTTR, Chennai Email: Phone: 044-22545442 | |
Dr. S.Rajasekar Research Assistant NITTTR Chennai Email: Phone: 044-22545446 Mobile:+91-9884462971 (9 AM to 6 PM) | |
Office of Centre for Curriculum Development, Planning and Coordination Email : / Phone: +91-44-22545441 | |