Towards Excellence in Promoting need based Training Programmes and Research in Civil Engineering
To design and develop need based training programs for the faculty of Polytechnic & Engineering Colleges and working Professionals of Industry and Govt. Organizations
To offer International Training Programs on emerging areas of Civil Engineering for the Teachers and working professionals of various Counties under ITEC/SCAAP schemes.
To develop new innovative short term and long term programs by collaborating with Universities and Institutes of Higher Learning for developing Civil Engineering Teachers to meet the requirements of Engineering Educational Institutions.
To provide support services to the Government of India schemes related to the technical and vocational education system and as entrusted by MHRD, Government of India, from time to time.
To offer research, testing services and consultancy for Industries and Govt. Organizations.
To establish partnership with Industries for offering Skill based Training Programs for Industrial Personnel and Industrial Training for the faculty of Polytechnic and Engineering Colleges.
To design new instructional systems and strategies for the production of multimedia learning resources and transfer through the latest technologies including broadcasting, webcasting/Multicasting.
To offer faculty exchange programs by linking with various Universities of India and abroad
Core Values

Domain of Short Term Programme
Geographical Information System and its Applications
Computer Applications in Project Management
Modern Surveying using Total Station and GPS
Disaster Management
Teaching Engineering Mechanics
Free and Open Source Software in Civil Engineering
Trends in Urban Planning and SMART Cities Development
Civil Engineering Drawing using AutoCAD
Construction Techniques and Management
Computer Applications in Structural Engineering
Design of Steel Structures
Geotechnical Engineering
Earthquake Resistant Structures
Strategic Planning and Institutional Development
Design of Bridges & Irrigation Structures
Design of RCC Structures
Outcome Based Education and Accreditation
Graduate Programme (M.E/ M.Tech)
M.Tech(Infrastructure Engineering and Management)
Infrastructure is a basic system that a country or an organization uses in order to work efficiently. The program lays emphasis on Construction/Infrastructure engineering in terms of designing, planning and environmental management of large buildings, townships, roads and bridges, transportation engineering and Infrastructure Projects. The Employment opportunities include Real Estate, Private and Public Sector Undertaking, Transportation Centres, Consultancy Firms, Industrial Plants and Housing & Urban Development Authorities. More than all the above opportunities NITTTR will provide an excellent Job opportunity to serve as a great teacher in Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges to the successful students.
Research Programme
Ph.D. - Civil Engineering
(Ph.D. - Degree Awarded - 6, Ongoing - 8)
International Training Programme
Spatial Information Technology for Urban Planning and Management - 3 Batches
GIS Applications in Natural Resources Management - 2 Batches
Sponsored by Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation (ITEC),Technical Co-operation Scheme of Colombo Plan (TCS) & Special Commonwealth African Assistance Programme (SCAAP)
Curricula Developed
Continuously Involved in Developing Curriculum for the Polytechnic Colleges of Southern States through Directorate Technical Education of Southern states.
Involved in Developing Curriculum for the B.E, Civil Engineering, M.E (Remote Sensing), M.E (Infrastructure Engineering and Management)
Instructional Materials Developed
Quality Assurance in Engineering Education
Modeling & Animation using 3D Studio Max
Construction Materials & Techniques
Structural Analysis
Engineering Drawing using AutoCAD
Geographical Information Systems
Computer Applications in Analysis and Design of Structures
Instructional Objectives
Limit State Design of Concrete structural Elements
Computer Applications for Project Management
Modern Surveying (Total Station and GPS)
Repairs & Renovations of Structures
Evaluation of Students
Structural Steel Design using IS 800 2007
CAD & Project Management Laboratory
Fully equipped CAD & Project Management Laboratory with 20 terminals and adequate accessories with projection facilities, Popular software in the areas of CAD, AutoCAD, Revit Arch, STAAD Pro , SCADDS, MS Project, Primavera.
GIS Laboratory
10 Computers with Leading GIS Software like Arc GIS (30 users), Map Info and Quantum GIS, Image Processing software like ERDAS/ENVI, Total Station, Differential GPS, and handheld GPS navigators.
Material Testing Laboratory
Computerized Automatic Servo Controlled Universal Testing Machine (100 T) (6 Pillar Model) Computerized Automatic Digital Compression Testing Machine (100 T) for testing and other equipment to test concrete, sand, and cement
Structural Engineering Laboratory
Computerized 100 Ton Loading frame (Servo Controlled Model fully automatic) with accessories to test flexural Strength (Single and two points loading) of Slabs, Beams, and Columns.
Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
Laboratory facilities to carryout typical experiments to test on Soil