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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Promoting Excellence in Computer Science and Engineering through providing training programmes in the Domain of Information and Communication Technologies.


  • To design and develop need-based training programs for the faculty of Polytechnic & Engineering Colleges and working Professionals of Industry and Govt. Organizations.

  • To offer International Training Programs on emerging areas of Information and Communication Engineering for the Professionals of various Counties under ITEC/SCAAP schemes.

  • To develop new innovative short term and long term programs by collaborating with Universities and Institutes of Higher Learning for developing Computer and Engineering Faculty members to meet the requirements of Engineering Educational Institutions

  • To offer research and consultancy for Industries and Govt. Organizations.

  • To establish a partnership with Industries for offering Skill-based Training Programs for Industrial Personnel and Industrial Training for the faculty of Polytechnic and Engineering Colleges.

  • To design new instructional systems and strategies for the development of media resources and transfer through the latest technologies including Webcasting.

  • To offer faculty exchange programs by linking with various Universities of India and abroad

  • To offer faculty exchange programs by linking with various Universities of India and abroad

Domain of Short Term Programme

  • Energy Management and Recent Trends in Power Systems

  • PLC Programming using SCADA software

  • Advanced course on PLC

  • Power Electronics

  • Basic Course on PLC

  • ORCAD – Capture, Simulation and PCB layout

  • Virtual Instrumentation using LabVIEW and MATLAB

  • Mobile and Wireless Communication

  • PIC 16F877A Microcontroller and its applications

  • Embedded Systems - Arm Controller and RTOS

  • Advanced Communication System

  • Biomedical Electronics

  • 8051 Micro Controller and its applications

  • Data Communication and Networking

  • Digital Design using VHDL and Implementation using FPGA

  • AutoCAD - Electrical and Estimation & Costing

  • Internet of Things (IoT) and its Applications

Post Graduate Programme (M.E/M.Tech.)

M.Tech. VLSI Design and Embedded Systems

  • M.Tech. in VLSI Design and Embedded Systems is a unique course and inclined towards Industrial needs. In this programme, the latest technology such as Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, Cyber Physical System, Industrial Automation, Embedded System on Chip design, Machine learning, Deep Learning, Advanced Communication Systems, E-vehicle Technologies and Telemedicine have been focused. Also majority of the courses offered under these programmes will be focusing more on practical applications with Industry relevant case studies. This programme is not alone focusing on the emerging areas, but also develop problem analysis and design skills of the students in the domain. Industry experts also will be involved in handling classes and students will be able to interact with different industry experts. The uniqueness of this programme is to encourage the students to undergo the Industrial problem based projects. Hence the students who are undertaking these programmes will gain knowledge in solving Industry based Problems and develop expertise in research and development to cater to needs of the society.

Course Conducted

  • Directorates in 4 states are revising the Diploma curriculum once in every 5 years. Certain subjects are removed and certain new subjects are included. There is a number of polytechnics in the southern region. The teachers need training in the new subjects introduced. Based on the need, the courses are conducted in the following areas:

  • For Engineering Colleges, every year 2 AICTE courses on Emerging areas like Embedded System and Biomedical Instrumentation are conducted

  • Resource faculty in Engineering Education and Information & Communication Technology in Interdisciplinary and Education courses of our institute.

  • Involvement in curriculum revision workshops for the four states in coordination with our Curriculum Development Centre.

  • Collaboration with International agencies:

  • Conducted In-country and International Programmes on the use of “Information and Communication Technology in Education and Training” in collaboration with Colombo Plan Staff College, Manila.

Academic Activities

  • Communication: There is 70 Intercom including 30 external telephone connections. There is a video conference facility with which 3 extension centers are linked using ISDN lines. This facility is maintained by the department.

  • Internet: There are 120 internet connections, 2 Mbps leased line along with router and webserver. The campus Wi-Fi facility is being set up. This facility is managed by the department.

  • Electrical Maintenance Wing: The electrical load of the Institute is 250 kVA approximately. There are about 200 rooms in the hostel and guest house put together. The Airconditioning load is 300 tonnes. There are substations and 2 Nos. of generator sets. The Electrical maintenance wing carries out electrical maintenance of the Institute and staff quarters (64 Nos.)

  • Updating Electrical and Electronics Lab facilities.

  • Assisting in publishing the Journal of Technical and Vocational Education.

Proposed Activities

  • To start LabVIEW Academy to train the outgoing Engineering graduates and industrial persons in LabVIEW software and to prepare them for certificate exams.

  • To conduct Master’s Degree in Cyber Physical Systems.

  • To carry out the AICTE sponsored Nationally Coordinated Project (NCP) on "Virtual Instrumentation".
