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Department of Mechanical Engineering


Department of Mechanical Engineering


Promote innovations, research and development in Mechanical engineering to provide world class human resources in technology and instructional technology areas.


  • Offer quality training to technical and vocational teachers of technical education system by offering need based short term and long term training programmes and workshops.

  • Constantly expanding the horizons of the department to reflect changing technologies.

  • Establish national and international networking with technical institutions and industries for improving professionalism.

  • Promote research and undertake research studies for system improvement.

Core Values

  • Organizational and Personal learning

  • Pursuit of Excellence

  • Organizational and Personal learning

  • Pursuit of Excellence

  • Development and Transparency.

Post Graduate Programme (M.E/M.Tech.)

M.E. Industrial Safety Engineering

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Activities of the department

  • To assist in Curriculum development of Mechanical Engineering subjects by leading and guiding curriculum groups and analysing the curriculum gaps in preparing curricula in Mechanical Engineering subjects scientifically.

  • To Promote Learning Resources development in print media through own efforts and by training and guiding technical teacher groups formed for the purpose.

  • To Promote laboratory innovations in Mechanical Engineering by developing new experiments, demonstrations etc, and by training Mechanical Engineering teachers.

  • To Collaborate with academic bodies to promote innovative changes in course structures such as introduction of competency / flexibility modular programmes.

  • To Collaborate with the industry for mutual benefit in the larger interest of technical education.

  • To facilitate the introduction of new technology programme in Mechanical Engineering through assistance in teacher training, curriculum development, laboratory facilities development, learning resource development etc.

  • To Promote the skills, know-how and expertise of the faculty and supporting staff of the department through continuously carrying out internal faculty development programme.

Domain of Short Term Programme

  • Renewable energy sources

  • Automobile Technology

  • Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

  • Energy & Environmental Management

  • Solar & Wind Energy Applications

  • Advances in Manufacturing Techniques

  • Advances in Heat Treatment & NDT

  • Non Traditional Machining


  • Smart Manufacturing

  • Nanotechnology& Applications

  • Trends in Mechatronics & Industrial Automation

  • Advances in Casting & Welding

The Domain of Long Term Programmes

  • Actively involved in the long term courses like B.Tech. Ed., Dip.TT, M.Tech.HRD, PGDCA, and Overseas Teachers programmes handling classes in the areas of,

  • Mechanical Engineering contents

  • Instructional Methods & Media

  • Curriculum Development and Evaluation Techniques

Academic Activities

  • Organizing subject updating programmes for the teachers of Engineering Colleges/Polytechnics in identified emerging areas of technology.

  • Assisting the Directorates of Technical Education and Universities in the revision of the curriculum from time to time.

  • Developing instructional materials/media in the modern mechanical engineering areas for the use of teachers, students, and professionals.

  • Involving in the production of video programmes on various subjects of Mechanical engineering and allied branches. Equipping the department infrastructural facilities with modern instruments and updated software.

Infrastructural Facilities

  • Fully Automated Flexible Manufacturing System with a CNC Lathe and a CNC Milling machine along with a Robot for material handling.

  • Popular Softwares in the areas of Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing.

  • Solar power equipment such as solar street lighting, domestic lighting modules, Solar-powered gadgets, and solar water heating system.

  • Laboratory facilities to carryout typical experiments based on Hydraulics and Pneumatics with trainer kits. Equipped with PC based single-cylinder four-stroke Diesel engine trainer.
