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Professional Development Programme Details

Professional Development Programme Details

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Comprehensive Course Details for Training Programmes:

Host Based Training Programmes

  • To enhance the knowledge and skills of the teacher in state of art technologies in Engineering Domain.

  • To strengthen the teachers with modern Tools and Technologies of Online Learner Centered Teaching – Learning - Assessment Process

  • To equip the teachers with modern methods of Teaching – Learning Process, based on classical theories of Engineering Education

  • To inculcate the Professional ethics, values and competencies in Teachers

  • To provide guidance to adopt to the changes in Curriculum via-a-vis Industrial needs.

The NITTTR, Chennai offers training programmes, which will be conducted by NITTTR Faculty at the host institution for the benefit of teachers of institution concerned. The institutions can plan a training programme with NITTTR Chennai for a mutually convenient period for the conduct of the Faculty Development Programme (FDP) in the areas as Engineering and Engineering Education as follows:

  • Emerging areas of Civil Engineering

  • Practical Solutions in Computer Science and Engineering

  • Porgrammes in Mechanical Engineering

  • Programmes in Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering

  • Educational Technologies, Flipped and Blended Learning

  • Outcome Based Education and NBA Accreditation Procedures

  • Guidance and Counselling

  • Personality Development through Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

  • Strategic planning and institutional development

  • Assessment Practices and Question Paper Authoring

  • Induction Training Porgramme

  • Learning Managment System and Online Teaching - Learning

Norms for Host Based Training Programmes

  • Duration of programme is maximum of 6 days and minimum of 3 days. Maximum 40 participants will be accommodated in a programme. Two to Four faculty members from NITTTR,Chennai will be deputed as recourse persons for the programme. In addition, Director, NITTTR Chennai may deliver a special address during inauguration or valedictory function.

  • The Training Coordination fee is Rs.80,000 + applicable GST. The fee shall be paid in advance through RTGS online Transfer: Beneficiary Name: The Director, NITTTR Chennai, Account Number: 041801000000101, IFSC Code: IOBA0000418, Bank: Indian Overseas Bank. In addition to Rs.80,000/-, the host Institution will arrange and borne the travel cost of the resource persons by air /rail / road as per Govt. of India norms(includes residence to departing station and back). Local transport (daily) from the hotel / Guest House to the Institute and back as well asthe boarding and lodging should be in good quality hotel / Guest house.

  • One master copy of the Resource Materials Package (RMP) will be provided by the NITTTR, Chennai well in advance. The college has to photocopy, bind and distribute one copy of RMP to each participant prior to the commencement or on the first day of the FDP. Further, during the training,photocopying service for exercise sheets / assignments / other related documents has to be provided by the institution. The Institution has to provide necessary facilities to shoot, record and replay the teaching performance of participants during "Simulated Teaching Practice Sessions". This facility will be required for a maximum period of two days.

  • The NITTTR, Chennai will issue certificates to participants on successful completion of Programme.

Training Programmes for TEQIP Institutions

  • The NITTTR, Chennai has been offering training programmes for TEQIP institutions in a customized manner based on the requirement of the institution.

  • TEQIP Norms Applicable to conduct the Training Programmes


  • webinars are open for both Engineering and Polytechnic College Teachers, unless specified.

  • There is no fee for attending the Webinars.

  • The webinar coordinator will inform well in advance the webinar platform.The online Registration form will be available in the following webinar calendar. Attendance is compulsory to receive the certificate.

Modular Training Programmes

  • Modular courses are open for both Engineering and Polytechnic College Teachers, unless specified.

  • All are National level FDPs.The Government and Govt. Aided College teachers shall follow their exiting norms for deputation to attend the above said Online Modular courses.

  • There is no course fee to attend the Modular courses.

  • The schedule will be provided by the coordinator. The resource materials will be available in the LMS of NITTTR Chennai. The coordinator will inform well in advance the meeting platform and tools required to undergo the Modular courses.

  • The online application form will be available in the below table. Attendance is compulsory on all the days of the course. Deputation order / Permission letter issued by the respective competent authority of the participant is mandatory for attending the Modular courses and for the issue of the certificate.Course Feedback link also will be provided by the / Coordinator to give the feedback.

  • NITTTR will issue a Certificate to only the participants who have submitted their deputation order / permission letter and attended the programme completely. The participants need to secure minimum marks in the final online evaluation.

Contact Details

  • Dr. M. Seenuvasan

    Professor, Department of Education

    Email: seenuvasan@nitttrc.edu.in

    Phone: 044-22545441